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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny
Week of November 23rd, 2023

(October 23-November 21)
Have you located any of your soul twins? If not, is that an interesting prospect for you? Please note that soul twins are not necessarily the same as dream lovers. They may simply be people with whom you share deep values and perspectives. They might aspire to influence the world in ways similar to you. With a soul twin, you feel at home in the world and extra happy to be yourself. I bring these meditations to your attention, Scorpio, because the coming months will be an especially likely time for you to encounter and engage with soul twins. Be on the alert!
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Scorpio."
1. There are blessings in every abyss. You, of all the signs in the zodiac, have the greatest capacity to find those blessings and make them yours.
Likewise, there is an abyss in each blessing. You, of all the signs, have the most power to make sure your experiences in the abyss don't detract from but enhance the blessing.
Take maximum advantage of these superpowers! Be an expert in zeroing in on the opportunities seeded in the dilemmas. Show everyone how to home in on and enjoy the delights in the darkness. Be an inspirational role model as you extract redemption from the messes.
2. Use tasteful disguises. Establish secret identities in several different venues. Own a deluxe squirt gun and a knife made of foam rubber.
Do something ingeniously Machiavellian to a person in authority.
Be merciful to the young souls you know who are living their first lifetime.
Study the Death card in the Mother Peace tarot deck and use it to predict your upcoming renaissance and revitalization.
Make friends with a snake and coax it to go for a walk with you, or buy a rubber snake and pretend it's real as the two of you take a stroll.
Use your ex's picture on a dartboard so you won’t act out more literal revenge fantasies.
3. You know more about how karma works than all the other signs. Scorpio-style intelligence typically has a fine intuitive grasp of how today's realities evolved out of the deep patterns and rhythms of the past.
But that doesn't mean you perfectly understand how karma works. And I urge you to be eager to learn more. Become even savvier about how the law of cause and effect impacts the destinies of you and your allies.
Meditate on how the situations you are in now were influenced by actions you took once upon a time. Ruminate on what you could do in the near future to foster good karma and diminish weird karma.
4. Who can simultaneously love and hate, support and undermine, celebrate and demean with more panache than you? No one!
5. Be like the guardian of a cave of wonders that goes so deep that even you can't find its end.
6. Now and then, you slip into phases when you're poised on the brink of either self-damage or self-discovery. You wobble and lurch on the borderline where self-undoing vies with self-creation.
Whenever this situation arises, here are key questions to ask yourself: Is there a strategy you can implement to ensure that you glide into self-discovery and self-creation? Is there a homing thought that will lure you away from the perverse temptations of self-damage and self-undoing?
The answers to these queries are always yes—if you regard love as your top priority and if you serve the cause of love over every other consideration.
7. Remember that not everyone can handle your honesty, sometimes not even you.
8. Cherish wisdom more than knowledge. Serve soul more than ego.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Scorpio."
1. There are blessings in every abyss. You, of all the signs in the zodiac, have the greatest capacity to find those blessings and make them yours.
Likewise, there is an abyss in each blessing. You, of all the signs, have the most power to make sure your experiences in the abyss don't detract from but enhance the blessing.
Take maximum advantage of these superpowers! Be an expert in zeroing in on the opportunities seeded in the dilemmas. Show everyone how to home in on and enjoy the delights in the darkness. Be an inspirational role model as you extract redemption from the messes.
2. Use tasteful disguises. Establish secret identities in several different venues. Own a deluxe squirt gun and a knife made of foam rubber.
Do something ingeniously Machiavellian to a person in authority.
Be merciful to the young souls you know who are living their first lifetime.
Study the Death card in the Mother Peace tarot deck and use it to predict your upcoming renaissance and revitalization.
Make friends with a snake and coax it to go for a walk with you, or buy a rubber snake and pretend it's real as the two of you take a stroll.
Use your ex's picture on a dartboard so you won’t act out more literal revenge fantasies.
3. You know more about how karma works than all the other signs. Scorpio-style intelligence typically has a fine intuitive grasp of how today's realities evolved out of the deep patterns and rhythms of the past.
But that doesn't mean you perfectly understand how karma works. And I urge you to be eager to learn more. Become even savvier about how the law of cause and effect impacts the destinies of you and your allies.
Meditate on how the situations you are in now were influenced by actions you took once upon a time. Ruminate on what you could do in the near future to foster good karma and diminish weird karma.
4. Who can simultaneously love and hate, support and undermine, celebrate and demean with more panache than you? No one!
5. Be like the guardian of a cave of wonders that goes so deep that even you can't find its end.
6. Now and then, you slip into phases when you're poised on the brink of either self-damage or self-discovery. You wobble and lurch on the borderline where self-undoing vies with self-creation.
Whenever this situation arises, here are key questions to ask yourself: Is there a strategy you can implement to ensure that you glide into self-discovery and self-creation? Is there a homing thought that will lure you away from the perverse temptations of self-damage and self-undoing?
The answers to these queries are always yes—if you regard love as your top priority and if you serve the cause of love over every other consideration.
7. Remember that not everyone can handle your honesty, sometimes not even you.
8. Cherish wisdom more than knowledge. Serve soul more than ego.