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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny
Week of November 23rd, 2023

(March 21-April 19)
When we experience authentic awe, our humility deepens. This is turn tends to make us kinder, smarter, and more positive. So how can we stimulate awe? Among the many possible ways are gazing at magnificent art, hiking in a natural wonderland, or being in the presence of a beautiful human soul. In accordance with astrological omens, I recommend that you go in quest of awe and related feelings like reverence, amazement, adoration, and veneration. Your mental, physical, and spiritual health will flourish in response.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be an Aries." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Take big, strong steps whenever you move down the street or swagger through a building or hike in nature. Doesn't matter if anyone else is nearby. Walk loudly. Swing your arms forcefully. Imprint your intense presence on your surroundings.
2. Five necessary things:
• Start lots of sentences with "I."
• Be adept at fulfilling your own hype.
• Avoid getting caught up in the unfortunate fact that everyone takes everything too seriously.
• If you get upset about everyone taking everything too seriously, forget why you're mad and run off to play.
• Now and then, be impossible.
3. Always keep three jars of extra charisma under your bed. You may not need it, since you usually wake up every morning dripping with it. But just in case. Aries folks need to radiate charm and magnetism.
4. Proceed on the hypothesis that you are always correct, even if you just changed your mind. —Ama Lessing
5. Be supremely confident of your ability to gather the energy to get unstuck, to bustle, to glide, to initiate—for others as well as yourself. —Norma Quesada
6. Be rational and calm in unreasonable circumstances. Be non-rational and mischievous in reasonable circumstances. —Jason Thompson
7. Be completely unable to understand how anyone can resist you or not find you alluring.
8. On a first date, offer to arm wrestle.
9. Declare yourself monarch and president of absolutely everything, then stage a coup d'état. Overthrow yourself and install yourself as the new monarch and president. Do this on a regular basis.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be an Aries." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Take big, strong steps whenever you move down the street or swagger through a building or hike in nature. Doesn't matter if anyone else is nearby. Walk loudly. Swing your arms forcefully. Imprint your intense presence on your surroundings.
2. Five necessary things:
• Start lots of sentences with "I."
• Be adept at fulfilling your own hype.
• Avoid getting caught up in the unfortunate fact that everyone takes everything too seriously.
• If you get upset about everyone taking everything too seriously, forget why you're mad and run off to play.
• Now and then, be impossible.
3. Always keep three jars of extra charisma under your bed. You may not need it, since you usually wake up every morning dripping with it. But just in case. Aries folks need to radiate charm and magnetism.
4. Proceed on the hypothesis that you are always correct, even if you just changed your mind. —Ama Lessing
5. Be supremely confident of your ability to gather the energy to get unstuck, to bustle, to glide, to initiate—for others as well as yourself. —Norma Quesada
6. Be rational and calm in unreasonable circumstances. Be non-rational and mischievous in reasonable circumstances. —Jason Thompson
7. Be completely unable to understand how anyone can resist you or not find you alluring.
8. On a first date, offer to arm wrestle.
9. Declare yourself monarch and president of absolutely everything, then stage a coup d'état. Overthrow yourself and install yourself as the new monarch and president. Do this on a regular basis.

(April 20-May 20)
It’s the Season for Cherishing and Smoking Out Secrets. So let's talk about the subject. 1. Some secrets are sad, haunting, even risky—and worth keeping secret. 2. Other secrets can be beautiful, healing, and potentially life-changing if they are revealed gracefully. 3. Some secrets are buried so deeply that only very persistent seekers dig them up. 4. Some secrets are "hidden" in plain view, and only visible to people who are clear and brave enough to identify them. I suspect you Tauruses will have a special knack for managing all types of secrets in the coming weeks, including those I mentioned.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Taurus." One of my readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Never stop building! Keep building and building and building: your joy, your security, your love, your beauty, your stamina, your sense of wonder.
2. Trust and exult in the feel of velvet, the taste of crème brûlée, the sound of the cello in Dvorák's Cello Concerto in B Minor, the sight of the full moon rising out of beloved lake, and the smell of the night-blooming jasmine.
3. Have faith that your slow, gradual triumphs will work productive magic and last a long time.
4. If I had to choose ancient deities to be your symbolic helpers, I would of course pick Venus. The planet Venus is ruler of your sign, and the goddess Venus is the maven of beauty and love, which are key to your happiness.
But I would also assign Hephaestus to your sign. He was the Greek god of the metalworking forge. He created Zeus's thunderbolts, Hermes' winged helmet, Aphrodite's magic bra, Achilles' armor, Eros's bow and arrows, and the thrones for all the gods and goddesses in Olympus.
The things he made were gorgeous and useful. I nominate him to be one of your spirit guides. May he inspire you to be a generous source of practical beauty.
5. Taurus says, "If it’s comfortable, sensuous, beautiful, or delicious, I made it or I own it." —Jennifer White
6. You are a specialist in the art of body language. No one wields the power of gesture and posture with more articulate elegance than you.
7. "If you don't love everybody," said the character Dicky Fox in the movie Jerry Maguire, "you can't sell anybody."
In other words, the most effective strategy for getting what you want is to feel tender affection for the world.
Taurus is the sign most likely to employ this advice with utmost integrity.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Taurus." One of my readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Never stop building! Keep building and building and building: your joy, your security, your love, your beauty, your stamina, your sense of wonder.
2. Trust and exult in the feel of velvet, the taste of crème brûlée, the sound of the cello in Dvorák's Cello Concerto in B Minor, the sight of the full moon rising out of beloved lake, and the smell of the night-blooming jasmine.
3. Have faith that your slow, gradual triumphs will work productive magic and last a long time.
4. If I had to choose ancient deities to be your symbolic helpers, I would of course pick Venus. The planet Venus is ruler of your sign, and the goddess Venus is the maven of beauty and love, which are key to your happiness.
But I would also assign Hephaestus to your sign. He was the Greek god of the metalworking forge. He created Zeus's thunderbolts, Hermes' winged helmet, Aphrodite's magic bra, Achilles' armor, Eros's bow and arrows, and the thrones for all the gods and goddesses in Olympus.
The things he made were gorgeous and useful. I nominate him to be one of your spirit guides. May he inspire you to be a generous source of practical beauty.
5. Taurus says, "If it’s comfortable, sensuous, beautiful, or delicious, I made it or I own it." —Jennifer White
6. You are a specialist in the art of body language. No one wields the power of gesture and posture with more articulate elegance than you.
7. "If you don't love everybody," said the character Dicky Fox in the movie Jerry Maguire, "you can't sell anybody."
In other words, the most effective strategy for getting what you want is to feel tender affection for the world.
Taurus is the sign most likely to employ this advice with utmost integrity.

(May 21-June 20)
I hope you won’t fill yourself up with appetizers and hors d’oeuvres in the coming weeks, Gemini. My soul will be at peace if I see you save your hunger for the main courses. Your motto should be “Feasts, not snacks!” or “The Real Deal, not the pretenders!” or “The jubilee, not the distractions!” If you ever find yourself feeling halfhearted or inattentive, you’re probably not in the right situation. Here’s an affirmation to go with your mottoes: “I am liberating my divine appetite!”
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Gemini."
1. Bounce up and down when you walk. Have 15 different kinds of laughs. Be impossible to pin down or figure out.
Relish the openings that your restlessness spawns. Keep changing the way you change.
Be easily swayed and sway others easily. Let the words that flow out of your mouth reveal to you what you think.
2. Your worst times are when you lose contact with your other selves. Don't let that happen.
3. Live a semi-dangerous life in your daydreams but not in real life.
4. If you have turned out to be the kind of Gemini who is both saintly and satanic, remember that Goddess made you that way. So let Goddess worry about it.
5. To be a true Gemini, you must yearn for knowledge—whether it is about coral reefs, ancient maps of Sumer, sex among jellyfish, mini-black holes, or celebrity gossip. You need to be an eternal student who craves education.
Are some things more important to discover than others? Of course. But that gauge is not always apparent in the present. A seemingly insignificant clue or trick you glean today may become unexpectedly useful a month from now.
With that perspective in mind, I encourage you to sometimes be quite promiscuous in your lust for new information and teachings.
6. The key to genius is the ability to keep two contradictory ideas in your head and maintain sanity. But it's sometimes fun to omit the "sanity" part.
7. Your mind is always aswarm with zesty mysteries. That's good! It gives you an enhanced power to generate insight and solve problems in daydreams.
8.Your curiosity is your superpower but also potentially your albatross. It entertains and educates you, but may get you into tight spots and awkward transitions.
That's why Goddess armed you with a razor-sharp silver tongue. You can talk your way out of trouble.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Gemini."
1. Bounce up and down when you walk. Have 15 different kinds of laughs. Be impossible to pin down or figure out.
Relish the openings that your restlessness spawns. Keep changing the way you change.
Be easily swayed and sway others easily. Let the words that flow out of your mouth reveal to you what you think.
2. Your worst times are when you lose contact with your other selves. Don't let that happen.
3. Live a semi-dangerous life in your daydreams but not in real life.
4. If you have turned out to be the kind of Gemini who is both saintly and satanic, remember that Goddess made you that way. So let Goddess worry about it.
5. To be a true Gemini, you must yearn for knowledge—whether it is about coral reefs, ancient maps of Sumer, sex among jellyfish, mini-black holes, or celebrity gossip. You need to be an eternal student who craves education.
Are some things more important to discover than others? Of course. But that gauge is not always apparent in the present. A seemingly insignificant clue or trick you glean today may become unexpectedly useful a month from now.
With that perspective in mind, I encourage you to sometimes be quite promiscuous in your lust for new information and teachings.
6. The key to genius is the ability to keep two contradictory ideas in your head and maintain sanity. But it's sometimes fun to omit the "sanity" part.
7. Your mind is always aswarm with zesty mysteries. That's good! It gives you an enhanced power to generate insight and solve problems in daydreams.
8.Your curiosity is your superpower but also potentially your albatross. It entertains and educates you, but may get you into tight spots and awkward transitions.
That's why Goddess armed you with a razor-sharp silver tongue. You can talk your way out of trouble.

(June 21-July 22)
Playwright Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) is regarded as one of history's great writers. That does not mean everything he said was wise, useful, or worthy of our attention. For example, he was once asked to give his opinion about ballet. "During the intermissions, the ballerinas stink like horses," he replied. I hesitate to bring up such a vulgar reference, but I wanted to make a vivid point. In the coming weeks, I hope you will ignore the advice of people who don't know what they are talking about, no matter how smart or charismatic they may be. I hope you will not attribute expertise to those who have no such expertise. I hope that as much as possible, you will rely on first-hand information, rigorous research, and reliable influences.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Cancerian." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Be fluid and flexible while still being rooted and sturdy. Be soft and sensitive even as you are also firm and resolute.
Be mostly modest and adaptable, but become assertive and outspoken as necessary. Be cautious about inviting and seeking out challenges, but be bold and brash when a golden challenge arrives.
Be your naturally generous self most of the time, but avoid giving too much.
Got all that, Cancerian?
Carrying out the multifaceted assignments I just described might be nearly impossible for most of the other signs of the zodiac, but they are in your wheelhouse. You are a specialist in fertile complexity.
2. Gently and tenderly haunt people's dreams with your lyrical intimacy and generous mystery and inscrutable magic.
3. Compare your everyday life to the narratives in storybooks and fairy tales and legends. Act as if you have the power to attract experiences that others believe are only true in fantasy. Really, truly believe in fantastic creatures. Whenever you need a vacation from reality, induce waking dreams to whisk you away.
4. Listen attentively to your inner child, but don’t spoil and overindulge your inner child.
5. More than any other sign of the zodiac, you feel the sadness and suffering of the world. Is that a debility or asset? It all depends on how you choose to respond to the inflow. Compassionate action is most likely to make it an asset.
6. When your cup of sensitivity runneth over, MAKE ART! —Sy Pfy
7. To entice people to surrender, flood them with love. —Shiloh Manwaring
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Cancerian." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Be fluid and flexible while still being rooted and sturdy. Be soft and sensitive even as you are also firm and resolute.
Be mostly modest and adaptable, but become assertive and outspoken as necessary. Be cautious about inviting and seeking out challenges, but be bold and brash when a golden challenge arrives.
Be your naturally generous self most of the time, but avoid giving too much.
Got all that, Cancerian?
Carrying out the multifaceted assignments I just described might be nearly impossible for most of the other signs of the zodiac, but they are in your wheelhouse. You are a specialist in fertile complexity.
2. Gently and tenderly haunt people's dreams with your lyrical intimacy and generous mystery and inscrutable magic.
3. Compare your everyday life to the narratives in storybooks and fairy tales and legends. Act as if you have the power to attract experiences that others believe are only true in fantasy. Really, truly believe in fantastic creatures. Whenever you need a vacation from reality, induce waking dreams to whisk you away.
4. Listen attentively to your inner child, but don’t spoil and overindulge your inner child.
5. More than any other sign of the zodiac, you feel the sadness and suffering of the world. Is that a debility or asset? It all depends on how you choose to respond to the inflow. Compassionate action is most likely to make it an asset.
6. When your cup of sensitivity runneth over, MAKE ART! —Sy Pfy
7. To entice people to surrender, flood them with love. —Shiloh Manwaring

(July 23-August 22)
Researchers have determined that there are two basic dispositions among tigers. One is what they call “majesty.” Creatures with this orientation tend to be dignified, imposing, and agile. The other type of tiger personality revolves around “steadiness.” This is the opposite of neuroticism, and includes the qualities of being affable, easy to get along with, and well-adjusted. I know many astrologers associate lions with you Leos, but I prefer to link you with tigers. If you agree with me, here’s my prediction: You are beginning a phase when you will be more majestic than steady—but with plenty of steadiness also available if you want it.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my newbook ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Leo." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Without apology or inhibition, be the STAR you are. Yes, people may want to use you for your radiance, your charisma, and your strength. But that doesn't have to interfere with your holy duty, which is MAXIMUM SELF-EXPRESSION. —Hassan Allen
2. Never break your own heart. Never apologize for showering yourself with kindness and adoration. —Amy Clear
3. Be alert for the intense shadows you may cast with your intense brightness. Consider the possibility that even if they seem iffy or dicey, they may have beauty and value of their own.
4. At the moment of orgasm, scream out your own name. —Bethany Grace
5. People should try to understand that you are only bossing them around for their benefit. —Harlow Hunt
6. Stretching and sighing and yawning are art forms for you. Regard each occasion as a potential performance opportunity.
7. Give yourself permission to do just about anything that has integrity and is fueled by compassion. —Azariah Smithie
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my newbook ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Leo." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Without apology or inhibition, be the STAR you are. Yes, people may want to use you for your radiance, your charisma, and your strength. But that doesn't have to interfere with your holy duty, which is MAXIMUM SELF-EXPRESSION. —Hassan Allen
2. Never break your own heart. Never apologize for showering yourself with kindness and adoration. —Amy Clear
3. Be alert for the intense shadows you may cast with your intense brightness. Consider the possibility that even if they seem iffy or dicey, they may have beauty and value of their own.
4. At the moment of orgasm, scream out your own name. —Bethany Grace
5. People should try to understand that you are only bossing them around for their benefit. —Harlow Hunt
6. Stretching and sighing and yawning are art forms for you. Regard each occasion as a potential performance opportunity.
7. Give yourself permission to do just about anything that has integrity and is fueled by compassion. —Azariah Smithie

(August 23-September 22)
"It is better to entertain an idea than to take it home to live with you for the rest of your life," wrote author Randall Jarrell. That's decent advice, though I will add a caveat. If you entertain an idea for a while and it turns out that you love it, and you also love the beneficent effect it has on you, you may be smart to take it home to live with you. I'm guessing you Virgos are at a pivotal point in this regard. Not yet, but soon, you will know whether it will be wise to get cozier with certain influences you have been flirting with—or else decide they are not ones you want to keep.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Virgo." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. "Love your mistakes and foibles," Virgo astrologer William Sebrans advises his fellow Virgos. "They aren't going away. And it's your calling in life—some would say a superpower—to home in on them and finesse them.
"Why? Because you may be able to fix them or improve them with panache—for your benefit and the welfare of those you love."
2. Take care of yourself as well as you care for others. —Geoffrey Huckabay
3. You can't and won't tolerate unprofessional behavior or a lack of manners and etiquette. Why should you? In the whole world, there are enough skillful people with integrity for you to exclusively stick with them.
4. Write as many lists as you damn well feel like writing. List-making is the Truth and the Way for Virgos. —Cara Inmungilun
5. Of all the signs in the zodiac, you know best that the most useful truths can't be entirely told with abstractions. Key ingredients are concrete facts and specific details.
6. Hooray! A fresh, new project! Analyze the daylights out of its potential, craft an exquisite plan to accomplish it, and then spend more time and work than strictly necessary to bring it to fruition. —Amari Wenendero
7. When your humor and patient focus are amply engaged, you have extraordinary power to create elegant and interesting versions of harmony. —Janicia Waymer Hasko
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Virgo." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. "Love your mistakes and foibles," Virgo astrologer William Sebrans advises his fellow Virgos. "They aren't going away. And it's your calling in life—some would say a superpower—to home in on them and finesse them.
"Why? Because you may be able to fix them or improve them with panache—for your benefit and the welfare of those you love."
2. Take care of yourself as well as you care for others. —Geoffrey Huckabay
3. You can't and won't tolerate unprofessional behavior or a lack of manners and etiquette. Why should you? In the whole world, there are enough skillful people with integrity for you to exclusively stick with them.
4. Write as many lists as you damn well feel like writing. List-making is the Truth and the Way for Virgos. —Cara Inmungilun
5. Of all the signs in the zodiac, you know best that the most useful truths can't be entirely told with abstractions. Key ingredients are concrete facts and specific details.
6. Hooray! A fresh, new project! Analyze the daylights out of its potential, craft an exquisite plan to accomplish it, and then spend more time and work than strictly necessary to bring it to fruition. —Amari Wenendero
7. When your humor and patient focus are amply engaged, you have extraordinary power to create elegant and interesting versions of harmony. —Janicia Waymer Hasko

(September 23-October 22)
If I could give an award for Most Curious Genius in the World, it would be to Libran author and naturalist Diane Ackerman. She would also get my prize for Most Voracious Learner and Best Questioner and Most Exuberant Seeker and Searcher. "To hear the melody," she writes, "we must hear all the notes." In response to the question, "What is life?" she offers this answer: "corsages and dust mites and alligator skin and tree-frog serenades and foreskins and blue hydrangeas and banana slugs and war dances and cedar chips and bombardier beetles." In accordance with current astrological omens, I encourage you to be like Diane Ackerman in the coming weeks.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Libra."
1. You are a translator. Among your life purposes are:
• to serve as an intermediary between disparate elements;
• to lubricate and facilitate conversations between people who might not otherwise understand each other;
• to find common ground between apparent contradictions;
• to weave paradoxes into amalgamations;
• to never give up on finding the most elegant way to understand a problem.
2. Find beauty in literally everyone and everything. Seriously. There is no good reason you can't or shouldn't do this.
3. Know what it takes to please everyone, even if you don't always choose to please everyone. Know how to be what everyone wants you to be when they need you to be it, even if you fulfill that wish only now and then.
4. Learn to argue with skill and élan. To nurture your vitality, engage in regular debate that amuses and educates you.
5. More than any other sign, you can tolerate and even thrive amidst ambiguities and grey areas.
6. Creating aesthetically pleasing environments is crucial to being a Libra.
7. Do not give others all that you have and, in the process, forget to keep something for yourself.
8. Be reverent and respectful about the language you write and speak and think. Understand that the way you use words will make or break your power to fulfill your goals.
9. So much about being a Libra is the search for interesting stimulation. You are driven to find people, places, ideas, and things that invigorate you with ever-fresh thoughts and feelings.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Libra."
1. You are a translator. Among your life purposes are:
• to serve as an intermediary between disparate elements;
• to lubricate and facilitate conversations between people who might not otherwise understand each other;
• to find common ground between apparent contradictions;
• to weave paradoxes into amalgamations;
• to never give up on finding the most elegant way to understand a problem.
2. Find beauty in literally everyone and everything. Seriously. There is no good reason you can't or shouldn't do this.
3. Know what it takes to please everyone, even if you don't always choose to please everyone. Know how to be what everyone wants you to be when they need you to be it, even if you fulfill that wish only now and then.
4. Learn to argue with skill and élan. To nurture your vitality, engage in regular debate that amuses and educates you.
5. More than any other sign, you can tolerate and even thrive amidst ambiguities and grey areas.
6. Creating aesthetically pleasing environments is crucial to being a Libra.
7. Do not give others all that you have and, in the process, forget to keep something for yourself.
8. Be reverent and respectful about the language you write and speak and think. Understand that the way you use words will make or break your power to fulfill your goals.
9. So much about being a Libra is the search for interesting stimulation. You are driven to find people, places, ideas, and things that invigorate you with ever-fresh thoughts and feelings.

(October 23-November 21)
Have you located any of your soul twins? If not, is that an interesting prospect for you? Please note that soul twins are not necessarily the same as dream lovers. They may simply be people with whom you share deep values and perspectives. They might aspire to influence the world in ways similar to you. With a soul twin, you feel at home in the world and extra happy to be yourself. I bring these meditations to your attention, Scorpio, because the coming months will be an especially likely time for you to encounter and engage with soul twins. Be on the alert!
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Scorpio."
1. There are blessings in every abyss. You, of all the signs in the zodiac, have the greatest capacity to find those blessings and make them yours.
Likewise, there is an abyss in each blessing. You, of all the signs, have the most power to make sure your experiences in the abyss don't detract from but enhance the blessing.
Take maximum advantage of these superpowers! Be an expert in zeroing in on the opportunities seeded in the dilemmas. Show everyone how to home in on and enjoy the delights in the darkness. Be an inspirational role model as you extract redemption from the messes.
2. Use tasteful disguises. Establish secret identities in several different venues. Own a deluxe squirt gun and a knife made of foam rubber.
Do something ingeniously Machiavellian to a person in authority.
Be merciful to the young souls you know who are living their first lifetime.
Study the Death card in the Mother Peace tarot deck and use it to predict your upcoming renaissance and revitalization.
Make friends with a snake and coax it to go for a walk with you, or buy a rubber snake and pretend it's real as the two of you take a stroll.
Use your ex's picture on a dartboard so you won’t act out more literal revenge fantasies.
3. You know more about how karma works than all the other signs. Scorpio-style intelligence typically has a fine intuitive grasp of how today's realities evolved out of the deep patterns and rhythms of the past.
But that doesn't mean you perfectly understand how karma works. And I urge you to be eager to learn more. Become even savvier about how the law of cause and effect impacts the destinies of you and your allies.
Meditate on how the situations you are in now were influenced by actions you took once upon a time. Ruminate on what you could do in the near future to foster good karma and diminish weird karma.
4. Who can simultaneously love and hate, support and undermine, celebrate and demean with more panache than you? No one!
5. Be like the guardian of a cave of wonders that goes so deep that even you can't find its end.
6. Now and then, you slip into phases when you're poised on the brink of either self-damage or self-discovery. You wobble and lurch on the borderline where self-undoing vies with self-creation.
Whenever this situation arises, here are key questions to ask yourself: Is there a strategy you can implement to ensure that you glide into self-discovery and self-creation? Is there a homing thought that will lure you away from the perverse temptations of self-damage and self-undoing?
The answers to these queries are always yes—if you regard love as your top priority and if you serve the cause of love over every other consideration.
7. Remember that not everyone can handle your honesty, sometimes not even you.
8. Cherish wisdom more than knowledge. Serve soul more than ego.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Scorpio."
1. There are blessings in every abyss. You, of all the signs in the zodiac, have the greatest capacity to find those blessings and make them yours.
Likewise, there is an abyss in each blessing. You, of all the signs, have the most power to make sure your experiences in the abyss don't detract from but enhance the blessing.
Take maximum advantage of these superpowers! Be an expert in zeroing in on the opportunities seeded in the dilemmas. Show everyone how to home in on and enjoy the delights in the darkness. Be an inspirational role model as you extract redemption from the messes.
2. Use tasteful disguises. Establish secret identities in several different venues. Own a deluxe squirt gun and a knife made of foam rubber.
Do something ingeniously Machiavellian to a person in authority.
Be merciful to the young souls you know who are living their first lifetime.
Study the Death card in the Mother Peace tarot deck and use it to predict your upcoming renaissance and revitalization.
Make friends with a snake and coax it to go for a walk with you, or buy a rubber snake and pretend it's real as the two of you take a stroll.
Use your ex's picture on a dartboard so you won’t act out more literal revenge fantasies.
3. You know more about how karma works than all the other signs. Scorpio-style intelligence typically has a fine intuitive grasp of how today's realities evolved out of the deep patterns and rhythms of the past.
But that doesn't mean you perfectly understand how karma works. And I urge you to be eager to learn more. Become even savvier about how the law of cause and effect impacts the destinies of you and your allies.
Meditate on how the situations you are in now were influenced by actions you took once upon a time. Ruminate on what you could do in the near future to foster good karma and diminish weird karma.
4. Who can simultaneously love and hate, support and undermine, celebrate and demean with more panache than you? No one!
5. Be like the guardian of a cave of wonders that goes so deep that even you can't find its end.
6. Now and then, you slip into phases when you're poised on the brink of either self-damage or self-discovery. You wobble and lurch on the borderline where self-undoing vies with self-creation.
Whenever this situation arises, here are key questions to ask yourself: Is there a strategy you can implement to ensure that you glide into self-discovery and self-creation? Is there a homing thought that will lure you away from the perverse temptations of self-damage and self-undoing?
The answers to these queries are always yes—if you regard love as your top priority and if you serve the cause of love over every other consideration.
7. Remember that not everyone can handle your honesty, sometimes not even you.
8. Cherish wisdom more than knowledge. Serve soul more than ego.

(November 22-December 21)
Composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) was charismatic and forceful, but also hot-tempered and prone to rude behavior. The writer Goethe, his contemporary, said "his talent amazed me," and described him as an "utterly untamed personality." Beethoven seldom lived in one home for very long and loved to sing at the top of his lungs as he washed himself. Although he played piano with exquisite skill, he was quite clumsy as he moved through the world. Can you guess what astrological sign he was? Same as you! Sagittarius! I'm not saying you are exactly like this wild, unruly genius, but you do have tendencies in that direction. And in the coming weeks, I expect you'll be inclined to be more Beethoven-esque than usual. Please work on emphasizing the winsome aspects.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Sagittarius." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Love vastly, powerfully, and with great depth. Get to the point. Keep it moving. Exult in having the big picture in mind. —Darrell Sanchez
2. Trust your gut instincts. While the world is telling you to take the safe, well-planned route, your inner itinerary provides alternative counsel. Listen to it. —Janell TheSelkie Oelrich Schreiber
3. At random occasions, erupt with sudden epiphanies about the mystery and meaning of whatever-the-hell-this-crazy-game-is-we're-all-playing. Scream it out to everyone. Run away laughing with senseless joy. —Mandy Macklin
4. Be fiercely allergic to fraud and injustice. With relish, rip the mask off the pathetic imposters. With glee, undo the corrupt work of the entitled greedheads. —Anna E. Woolverton
5. Never fake your way through anything. If you are scared, say so. If you don't know how to do something, ask for help. If you feel insecure, tell other people and request feedback. —Kathleen Youmans
6. Of all the signs in the zodiac, you Sagittarians know best how to have fun even when life sucks. Your daily rhythm may have unraveled into a tangle of boring or annoying tasks, and yet you can still summon a knack for enjoying yourself.
And how are your instincts for drumming up amusement when life doesn't suck? Are you as talented at whipping up joy and inspiration when the daily rhythm is smooth and groovy?
When you're at your best, the good times spur you to new heights of creating even more good times.
7. If thou hast pain, transmute it into pleasure. If thou hast guilt, wallow in it until it brings ecstasy. If thou hast hatred, burn in it until thou art ablaze with the infernal truths that will set thy soul free. —Babalon Frieze
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Sagittarius." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Love vastly, powerfully, and with great depth. Get to the point. Keep it moving. Exult in having the big picture in mind. —Darrell Sanchez
2. Trust your gut instincts. While the world is telling you to take the safe, well-planned route, your inner itinerary provides alternative counsel. Listen to it. —Janell TheSelkie Oelrich Schreiber
3. At random occasions, erupt with sudden epiphanies about the mystery and meaning of whatever-the-hell-this-crazy-game-is-we're-all-playing. Scream it out to everyone. Run away laughing with senseless joy. —Mandy Macklin
4. Be fiercely allergic to fraud and injustice. With relish, rip the mask off the pathetic imposters. With glee, undo the corrupt work of the entitled greedheads. —Anna E. Woolverton
5. Never fake your way through anything. If you are scared, say so. If you don't know how to do something, ask for help. If you feel insecure, tell other people and request feedback. —Kathleen Youmans
6. Of all the signs in the zodiac, you Sagittarians know best how to have fun even when life sucks. Your daily rhythm may have unraveled into a tangle of boring or annoying tasks, and yet you can still summon a knack for enjoying yourself.
And how are your instincts for drumming up amusement when life doesn't suck? Are you as talented at whipping up joy and inspiration when the daily rhythm is smooth and groovy?
When you're at your best, the good times spur you to new heights of creating even more good times.
7. If thou hast pain, transmute it into pleasure. If thou hast guilt, wallow in it until it brings ecstasy. If thou hast hatred, burn in it until thou art ablaze with the infernal truths that will set thy soul free. —Babalon Frieze

(December 22-January 19)
I hope you have developed good boundaries, Capricorn. I hope you are so skilled at taking care of yourself that you steadfastly refuse to let people manipulate you or hurt you. Just to make sure your discernment is working at peak levels, though, I will offer you a tip. In the English language, we have the idiom “to rub salt in a wound,” which refers to the fact that daubing salt in an open gash in the skin makes the pain even worse. But did you know that smearing sugar in a wound is equally distressing? The metaphorical lesson is that you should be vigilant for seemingly nice, sweet people who might also violate your boundaries to hurt or manipulate you.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Capricorn." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. How to Be a Capricorn: Achieve everything you want while being true to your rigorous principles and expressing high levels of integrity.
2. I hereby authorize you to worry, worry, and worry some more. Stew and simmer as you weigh all the options and mull the correct actions.
But when the time is right, end your fretting with crisp decisiveness. Shake off any residual doubt that still clings to you. And then undertake robust action to transform the situation that provoked your righteous brooding.
3. I feel you Capricorns are wise to commune with rocks, dirt, mud, sand, and clay. I think you should regularly touch the actual earth with your hands and bare feet.
If I'm out hiking with a Capricorn friend, I might urge them to sniff blooming mushrooms and lean down to kiss the exposed roots of trees. Direct encounters with natural wonders are magic potions and miracle medicine for you.
Moreover, you flourish when you nurture close personal relationships with anything that might be described as foundational. Your words of power are kernel, core, gist, marrow, and keystone.
4. All our Capricornian climbing can feel exhausting until we realize we're getting younger and less burdened as we go. —Asha Sanaker
5. Becoming our own fathers can feel arduous for us Capricorns until we're old and sage enough to be good at it. —Asha Sanaker
6. You are not "royalty" in the abusive, oppressive way. People look to you to guide them because you have patience, care, and strength. You serve as anchor and support. You take on lots of responsibility because you can, you're asked to, and you like to.
7. Develop disciplined, well-planned strategies to achieve more freedom. —Alicia Dominic Keenon
8. Embrace your fully realized empowerment without having to negate the power of others. —Lisa Fairman
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Capricorn." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. How to Be a Capricorn: Achieve everything you want while being true to your rigorous principles and expressing high levels of integrity.
2. I hereby authorize you to worry, worry, and worry some more. Stew and simmer as you weigh all the options and mull the correct actions.
But when the time is right, end your fretting with crisp decisiveness. Shake off any residual doubt that still clings to you. And then undertake robust action to transform the situation that provoked your righteous brooding.
3. I feel you Capricorns are wise to commune with rocks, dirt, mud, sand, and clay. I think you should regularly touch the actual earth with your hands and bare feet.
If I'm out hiking with a Capricorn friend, I might urge them to sniff blooming mushrooms and lean down to kiss the exposed roots of trees. Direct encounters with natural wonders are magic potions and miracle medicine for you.
Moreover, you flourish when you nurture close personal relationships with anything that might be described as foundational. Your words of power are kernel, core, gist, marrow, and keystone.
4. All our Capricornian climbing can feel exhausting until we realize we're getting younger and less burdened as we go. —Asha Sanaker
5. Becoming our own fathers can feel arduous for us Capricorns until we're old and sage enough to be good at it. —Asha Sanaker
6. You are not "royalty" in the abusive, oppressive way. People look to you to guide them because you have patience, care, and strength. You serve as anchor and support. You take on lots of responsibility because you can, you're asked to, and you like to.
7. Develop disciplined, well-planned strategies to achieve more freedom. —Alicia Dominic Keenon
8. Embrace your fully realized empowerment without having to negate the power of others. —Lisa Fairman

(January 20- February 18)
I estimate this horoscope is worth $22,225. It has been made possible by my many years of disciplined meditations, extensive reading of holy texts, and an ever-growing devotion to astrology and my readers. But here’s the fun part: You can read these words for free! No cost at all! I will, however, ask you to do something for me in return. First, give your gifts joyously and generously in the coming weeks, holding nothing back. Second, don’t be in the least concerned about whether you will receive benefits in return for your gifts. Find the sweet spot where you love bestowing blessings for no other reason except this one: You are expressing your gratitude for the miraculous life you have been given.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be an Aquarius." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Aquarian actor Tallulah Bankhead testified, "Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it."
2. Dream up creative solutions to problems that haven't materialized yet. Then apply your discoveries as you address problems that already exist.
In other words, Aquarius, your uncanny facility for glimpsing the future can be useful as you enhance your life in the present. Your almost psychic capacity to foretell coming trends can be instrumental as you fix glitches in the here and now.
3. Be a humble know-it-all who is smart enough to realize none of us can ever do more than scratch the surface of the Great Mystery. —Laura Monnig
4. Let your swirling, whirling intuition alight on the stony, muddy earth for longer and longer intervals. Allow your third eye to wear sunglasses every now and then. —Sara Elize
5. Keep getting rid of things that are not yours. —Amber Xanthos
6. Aquarius haters describe this as being an Aquarius monologue: "Help! I think I'm having a feeling. There are five, right? Which one is it? I can’t remember. Who cares!" —Kathleen Hansen
7. But Aquarius lover Chandira Hensey offers a counterargument to Aquarius haters: "We may be called aloof and dispassionate, but the truth is we feel everything and need to work diligently to screen out the constant chatter we absorb. We benefit by escaping to wild places where the airwaves are quieter and where we can think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings."
8. There is a subset of the Aquarius (Aquari-us) tribe that calls itself Aquarithem (Aquari-them). They think in seven dimensions instead of six. They celebrate the end of the world twice a year, not just once, as the Aquarius tribe does. Instead of claiming an unlimited Artistic License and Poet License, Aquarithems insist on wielding Artiztik Lizenses and Poetik Lizenses.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be an Aquarius." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. Aquarian actor Tallulah Bankhead testified, "Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it."
2. Dream up creative solutions to problems that haven't materialized yet. Then apply your discoveries as you address problems that already exist.
In other words, Aquarius, your uncanny facility for glimpsing the future can be useful as you enhance your life in the present. Your almost psychic capacity to foretell coming trends can be instrumental as you fix glitches in the here and now.
3. Be a humble know-it-all who is smart enough to realize none of us can ever do more than scratch the surface of the Great Mystery. —Laura Monnig
4. Let your swirling, whirling intuition alight on the stony, muddy earth for longer and longer intervals. Allow your third eye to wear sunglasses every now and then. —Sara Elize
5. Keep getting rid of things that are not yours. —Amber Xanthos
6. Aquarius haters describe this as being an Aquarius monologue: "Help! I think I'm having a feeling. There are five, right? Which one is it? I can’t remember. Who cares!" —Kathleen Hansen
7. But Aquarius lover Chandira Hensey offers a counterargument to Aquarius haters: "We may be called aloof and dispassionate, but the truth is we feel everything and need to work diligently to screen out the constant chatter we absorb. We benefit by escaping to wild places where the airwaves are quieter and where we can think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings."
8. There is a subset of the Aquarius (Aquari-us) tribe that calls itself Aquarithem (Aquari-them). They think in seven dimensions instead of six. They celebrate the end of the world twice a year, not just once, as the Aquarius tribe does. Instead of claiming an unlimited Artistic License and Poet License, Aquarithems insist on wielding Artiztik Lizenses and Poetik Lizenses.

(February 19-March 20)
Do you possess gambits, tactics, and knacks that we might refer to as your “bag of tricks”? I hope so, because such an asset will be extra valuable during the coming weeks. You will be wise to employ every cagey move you can imagine and call on every favor that’s owed to you and cash in on every advantage you have accrued. I don’t want you to engage in outright cheating, but I encourage you to use ploys and stratagems that have full integrity. Be on the lookout for secret shortcuts, magic cookies, and wild cards.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Pisces." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. You're one big harmonious contradiction! You travel through and live in heaven and hell, plus all the sprawling real estate in between.
Other signs might be simply torn between the wild and tame, between the yes and no, between the black and white.
You are spread-eagled across the entire spectrum, forever tugged and heaved in the labyrinthine crosscurrent interwoven wrangle of motley versus patchwork, mosaic versus dappled, paisley versus plaid.
2. Surround yourself with people who don't condemn you for being spaced out or dreamy, but rather know how to have fun with you in the spacey dreaminess. —Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
3. Sometimes, you may feel you're under the influence of a debilitating spell or hindered by a murky curse. Pisceans are prone to such worries.
But here's a secret. More than any other zodiac sign, you have the power to escape from spells. Even if you have never studied the occult or read a witch's grimoire, you possess a natural facility for the natural magic that disperses curses. From the depths of your psyche, you can summon the spiritual force necessary to cleanse the gunk and free yourself.
Do you believe me? Now would be a perfect time to prove to yourself that what I've said here is true.
4. Cry. Write poetry. Cry about your poetry. Sing. Cry about your singing. Cry about your crying. —Cheryl Means
5. See way too much. Know way too much. Yearn for way too much. Give way too much. Take way too much. —Mebbie Jackson
6. My Piscean friend Luna wrote me an email that sums up how I sometimes feel about you. I'll repeat it here in hopes it will inspire you to be perfectly yourself.
Luna said, "Every time I meet someone who was born within like two weeks of my birthday, I end up with the impression that they are the loopiest and wisest person I've met in a long time. They are totally ridiculous and worthy of profound respect. They are unhinged and brilliantly focused. They are fuzzy-headed dreamers who couldn't possibly ever get anything practical accomplished, and they are lyrical thinkers who charm me with their attunement to the world's beauty and impress me with their understanding of how the world works. Hahahahaha. Luckily for me, I know the fool is sacred."
7. Is it better to seek spiritual enlightenment than to wander around lost in your fantasy world? Maybe. Maybe not. Who's to say your fantasy world isn't where you can find spiritual enlightenment?
8. Float in the salt watery sea foam, always gravitating toward the waves of melancholy ecstasy. —Renee Schildkraut
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my new book ASTROLOGY IS REAL
Below are responses to the topic "How to Be a Pisces." My readers provided some ideas, which are noted.
1. You're one big harmonious contradiction! You travel through and live in heaven and hell, plus all the sprawling real estate in between.
Other signs might be simply torn between the wild and tame, between the yes and no, between the black and white.
You are spread-eagled across the entire spectrum, forever tugged and heaved in the labyrinthine crosscurrent interwoven wrangle of motley versus patchwork, mosaic versus dappled, paisley versus plaid.
2. Surround yourself with people who don't condemn you for being spaced out or dreamy, but rather know how to have fun with you in the spacey dreaminess. —Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
3. Sometimes, you may feel you're under the influence of a debilitating spell or hindered by a murky curse. Pisceans are prone to such worries.
But here's a secret. More than any other zodiac sign, you have the power to escape from spells. Even if you have never studied the occult or read a witch's grimoire, you possess a natural facility for the natural magic that disperses curses. From the depths of your psyche, you can summon the spiritual force necessary to cleanse the gunk and free yourself.
Do you believe me? Now would be a perfect time to prove to yourself that what I've said here is true.
4. Cry. Write poetry. Cry about your poetry. Sing. Cry about your singing. Cry about your crying. —Cheryl Means
5. See way too much. Know way too much. Yearn for way too much. Give way too much. Take way too much. —Mebbie Jackson
6. My Piscean friend Luna wrote me an email that sums up how I sometimes feel about you. I'll repeat it here in hopes it will inspire you to be perfectly yourself.
Luna said, "Every time I meet someone who was born within like two weeks of my birthday, I end up with the impression that they are the loopiest and wisest person I've met in a long time. They are totally ridiculous and worthy of profound respect. They are unhinged and brilliantly focused. They are fuzzy-headed dreamers who couldn't possibly ever get anything practical accomplished, and they are lyrical thinkers who charm me with their attunement to the world's beauty and impress me with their understanding of how the world works. Hahahahaha. Luckily for me, I know the fool is sacred."
7. Is it better to seek spiritual enlightenment than to wander around lost in your fantasy world? Maybe. Maybe not. Who's to say your fantasy world isn't where you can find spiritual enlightenment?
8. Float in the salt watery sea foam, always gravitating toward the waves of melancholy ecstasy. —Renee Schildkraut
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