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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of October 25th, 2018


(October 23-November 21)
""He believed in magic,"" writes author Michael Chabon about a character in his novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. ""Not in the so-called magic of candles, pentagrams, and bat wings,"" nor ""dowsing rods, séances, weeping statues, werewolves, wonders, or miracles."" Then what kind? Chabon says it''s the ""impersonal magic of life,"" like coincidences and portents that reveal their meanings in retrospect. I bring this to your attention, Scorpio, because now is a favorable time to call on the specific kind of magic that you regard as real and helpful. What kind of magic is that? Halloween costume suggestion: magician, witch, wizard.


It has been a while since I told you that I love you. So I''m doing it now. I LOVE YOU.

And that''s why I continue to offer these weekly horoscopes to you free of charge, with no strings attached. That''s why I work so hard to be a playful therapist and an edgy mentor for you. That''s why I am so tenacious in my efforts to serve you as a feminist father figure and a kindly devil''s advocate and a sacred cheerleader.

Again, I don''t expect anything in return from you. But if you would like to express your appreciation, you could do so by offering a similar type of well-crafted care to people in your own sphere.

There is also something you could do to support me -- and help yourself at the same time! -- and that is to buy my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for you. They''re four-to-five-minute meditations on the current state of your destiny.