Week of January 23rd, 2025
Let's Be Oases for Each Other
Explore your long-range futurewith my 3-Part EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year.
Who do you want to become in 2025? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? My reports can stimulate and inspire your meditations about the interesting possibilities.
You can still listen to my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in the coming months. Each report in the three-part series is 7 to 11 minutes long.
To listen to your BIG PICTURE horoscopes online, go HERE.
Register and/or log in through the main page. Under “Select Reading to Play,” choose "Part 1" or “Part 2” or “Part 3” of the "Long-Term Prediction for 2025
The cost for the Expanded Audio Horoscopes is $7 per sign. (You can get discounts for multiple purchases.)
A new short-range forecast for this week is also available.

The thoughts below are excerpted from my book ASTROLOGY IS REAL.
You can listen to my reading of the text here.
Fear Versus Intuition
I love to help readers learn to distinguish between their fearful fantasies and authentic, accurate intuitions.
A reliable way for me to earn the right to discourse on this subject is to keep learning more about how to distinguish between my fearful fantasies and my authentic, accurate intuitions. I doubt I will ever gain full proficiency at this skill. But I’m making progress. I’m better at it than I used to be.
In the history of civilization, has there ever been a time when this skill was less than critical? I don’t think so. But it’s even more essential nowadays. Humans are in the midst of a thrilling and unnerving pivot point. Decrepit habits of thought are unraveling. Structures that have kept us enthralled to fake values are crumbling. The coming decades will be ripe with opportunities to forge a world that empowers the soul to flourish.
As the monumental mutations proliferate, many so-called leaders cram our imaginations with scary visions and angry emotions. They sell us the delusion that their visions of gloom and doom are rooted in logical analysis.
In the face of their toxic propaganda, it’s wise to remember that we have the power to shun their fearmongering. As a partial antidote, we can tune in to the guidance of the demure but potent voice within us—the muse-like intuition that will, if we allow, lead us capably through the zigzags of our destiny, even when we experience the personal ramifications of civilization’s colossal transformations.
Knowing the difference between our fearful fantasies and our authentic, accurate intuitions is a spiritual superpower.
Let’s explore what it means to grasp the distinctions between the frightening, alienating pictures that pop into our imaginations and the warm, clear directions available from the deepest source within us.
Many people confuse these two. I’ve done it myself on countless occasions. When an alarming future possibility wells up in our imagination, we worry it’s a sign that our intuition is foreshadowing a real event that will literally assail us.
For instance, we may fantasize about getting in a car accident or falling down a flight of stairs. Maybe we dream of a loved one becoming sick or a beloved pet getting lost.
On a few occasions, demoralizing fantasies like these are authentic warnings from our deeper knowing. Maybe we should indeed drive more carefully or urge our loved one to get a medical check-up. But mostly, these dire scenes invading our mind are not accurate premonitions. True intuition is rarely fueled by fear. It’s not prone to motivate us with dread.
Our true intuition emerges from the part of us that knows love is the ultimate law. It blooms in the spirit of affinity and intimacy. Like a slow-motion fountain of lucid compassion, it reveals the objective truth about the riddles before us. It shows us the big picture.
Forbidding fantasies, on the other hand, burn and itch and demoralize us. They drain our energy and cloud our judgment. They fill us with obsessive urges to run and hide or act desperate and melodramatic.
I don’t believe our true intuition is always calm and emotionally neutral. It isn’t, necessarily. But I will say this: The feelings that accompany true intuition aren’t alienating. They don’t arouse hate or revenge, and they don’t encourage us to act superior to others. When true intuition flows, we are usually empowered, not rendered hopeless or helpless.
True intuition may provoke our anger. But if so, it’s an invigorating rage that leads to clarity and constructive action.
True intuition may show us difficult truths, but it offers directions about how to deal courageously with those truths. True intuition may suggest changes and adjustments, but it does so in ways that groom our poise and grace.
I will emphasize this point: True intuition may not reveal that everything will turn out fine or that we can keep living exactly as we have been. True intuition isn’t falsely optimistic. But if it does alert us to how we need to transform, it does so with love and aplomb, not with loathing and panic.
Here’s another key theme. Just as our true intuition never works by spooking us, neither does it flatter us with grandiose suggestions about how faultless and superb we are.
It may even inform us to correct our attitude or abandon a delusion or fix a wrong conclusion. It may tactfully but firmly show us that we have been suffering from some ignorance and need to wise up.
True intuition reveals the story of our lives from our soul’s point of view, not our ego’s. It’s the voice of our inner teacher.
The certainty that true intuition provides is never strident or overconfident, but reliably humble and impeccable.
Now is a perfect moment to ruminate on these ideas and add insights of your own. I invite you to have fun flushing away any disquiets and perturbations and trepidations that may have distorted your relationship with your true intuition.
I’m giving myself the same invitation, too. I always need to do more work!
PS: One way to facilitate the process is to cut back on the amount of horrifying and disorienting images we allow to flow into our imagination from the TV, internet, newspapers, movies, and other mass media.

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It arrives every Tuesday morning by 7:30 am.