Week of December 12th, 2024
All Omens Should Be Interpreted Favorably
Hypothesis: All omens should be interpreted favorably.All omens should be regarded as revelations about what can be done to successfully wrangle with our problems, perpetrate liberation, ameliorate suffering, find redemption, and perform the tricky maneuvers and ingenious tweaks that enable us to slip free of our mind-forged manacles and discover the deeper meanings behind and beneath our experiences.

A summary of the principles that inspire my personal mission. Here they are:
* To be an aspiring Master of Curiosity.
* To know that playing is a consummate spiritual act.
* Being a purveyor of compassionate crazy wisdom.
* Don't suppress and deny and escape desire! Rather, apotheosize and enjoy desire, and channel it to commit transformative mystery and lyrical justice.
* Don't suppress and deny and escape ego! Rather, apotheosize and use ego as a tool to commit smart love.
* Completely identifying and blending my personal self with the One Self whose intelligence permeates all being and things.
* Infusing my writing with the soul of music. Infusing my music with the soul of writing.
* Syngergizing the Christ archetype with the Dionysus archetype.
* Exploring and expressing holy trickster feminism.
* Always asking: What is a masculine version of emotional intelligence?
* Daring to embody and express smart love.
* Know on a visceral level that consciousness is everywhere, in all things, in all creatures. Learn to commune with the myriad kinds of intelligence, not just the human variety.
* Resolved: Listening and empathy are superpowers.
* Figure out how to be more motivated to do good through love than through duty.
* The divine feminine is always here, has never waned. But too many human beings have lost the thread of direct communion with her. How to revive her presence in our hearts and minds?
* There is no such thing as permanent enlightenment—only an ongoing devotion to finding the newest, freshest versions of the raw truth in each moment.
* Practicing sacred activism and spiritual freedom fighting: conspiring to create a paradise on earth through practical political work — inspired by an ecstatic awareness of Divine Intelligence — that fosters justice and fairness for all
* The personal is the political. Every one of our thoughts, feelings, and actions has a political impact far beyond our individual lives.
* Doing what I do best and offering the unique gifts I have been blessed with to dissolve racism, misogyny, militarism, plutocracy, LGBTQ-phobia, ecocide, and all forms of bigotry.
* Love and respect and learn from all the animals. Seek communion with their intelligence.
* Every person and every creature are my teachers.
* One of the greatest gifts I can give to those I engage with is to transmute and refine my own darkness, ignorance, and woundedness.
* There are Other Real Worlds beyond the material realm, and I Iive there as much as I live here.
* Our nightly dreams are unparalleled sources of wisdom about how to become fully real.
* Dedicate my creativity to nurturing, inspiring, and liberating all those who are interested in my self-expression.
* My gratitude goes on forever.

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