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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of May 9th, 2024


(March 21-April 19)
When my friend Jessalyn first visited Disneyland as a child, she was smitten by its glimmering, unblemished mystery. "It was far more real than real," she said. “A dream come true.” But after a few hours, her infatuation unraveled. She began to see through the luster. Waiting in long lines to go on the rides exhausted her. The mechanical elephant was broken. The food was unappetizing. The actor impersonating Mickey Mouse shucked his big mouse head and swilled a beer. The days ahead may have resemblances to Jessalyn's awakening for you. This slow-motion jolt might vex you initially, although I believe it's a healthy sign. It will lead to a cleansed perspective that’s free of illusion and teeming with clarity.


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