Week of October 19th, 2023
Thanks for All You've Taught Me, Dear Readers
My new book is available: ASTROLOGY IS REAL: REVELATIONS FROM MY LIFE AS A HOROSCOPE COLUMNISTIt's a blend of a memoir, oracles for readers, and essays about the art of astrology and mythopoetic intelligence.
5-star reviews are beginning to appear. Below are two:
"Wildly generous ring of keys for all the sullen and rowdy prisoners.
"Just opened the Kindle version of ASTROLOGY IS REAL, clicked on a random title on the contents page and there was a startling, instant oracle. I sat up a little straighter, did it again, and again — and again. I had to come back to this page and say thank you.
"I am so grateful for this trickster being of light offering a lifetime of his original medicine to bring all the sullen and rowdy prisoners in us back to a joyful, balanced life.
"A treasure box of exuberant wisdom filled with enticements to open our eyes to the beauty, magic and possibility that is always here, holding hands with the dark."
"A shot of undiluted wonder for your soul.
"As always, it is impossible to walk away from anything Rob Brezsny writes without feeling inspired and uplifted. His latest work reveals his heartfelt mission to give us regular doses of relevant revelations that reconnect us with our sense of awe and wonder to be alive.
"This medicine is the antidote to dominant messages of doom and gloom. It is only possible to "save the world" if we re-MEMBER our joy at our interconnectedness and that being alive is a truly extraordinary adventure!"

I’ll tell you about one of the reasons why I wrote my new book, ASTROLOGY IS REAL
I love and respect the scientific method, and I use it every day to guide me in the practical arts of living life with grace and courage. Further, I am a huge fan of logic, reason, analysis, and discernment.
But I get queasy when these modes of intelligence are trumpeted as being the only worthy kind. More than queasy—I get sad and angry and upset.
As I have learned the skill of critical thinking, I have also cultivated alternate modes of perceiving and knowing. They have shown me that to be complete humans, we equally need other kinds of intelligence: poetry, dreams, imagination, feeling, myth, intimacy, metaphor, and storytelling.
Pure mind, as beautiful as it can be, is not enough: We need the vital soul. Whenever the mind is involved without the participation of the soul, we are liable to misunderstand reality and come to distorted, dissociated, sterile conclusions.
A key aspiration that inspired me to write ASTROLOGY IS REAL is the yearning to be an advocate for the soul—a lobbyist, a champion, a crusader on behalf of the soul.