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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny
Week of October 27th, 2022

(March 21-April 19)
Of all the rich philanthropists in the world, Aries author MacKenzie Scott is the most generous. During a recent 12-month period, she gave away $8.5 billion. Her focus is on crucial issues: racial equality, LGBTQ+ rights, pandemic relief, upholding and promoting democracy, and addressing the climate emergency. She disburses her donations quickly and without strings attached, and prefers to avoid hoopla and ego aggrandizement. I suggest we make her your inspirational role model in the coming weeks. May she motivate you to gleefully share your unique gifts and blessings. I think you will reap selfish benefits by exploring the perks of generosity. Halloween costume suggestion: philanthropist, Santa Claus, compassion freak.
Would you like to hear me say some more about your ever-evolving destiny? Are you open to receiving further meditations on how to understand your precious life? Check out your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Would you like to hear me say some more about your ever-evolving destiny? Are you open to receiving further meditations on how to understand your precious life? Check out your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(April 20-May 20)
What animal best represents your soul? Which species do you love the most? Now would be a good time to try this imaginative exercise. You're in a phase when you'll thrive by nurturing your inner wild thing. You will give yourself blessings by stoking your creature intelligence. All of us are part-beast, and this is your special time to foster the beauty of your beast. Halloween costume suggestion: your favorite animal or the animal that symbolizes your soul.
Need more help deciphering the riddles and enigmas that are fueling your amazing story? Would you like to get more inspiration in your quest to know exactly what you're here on earth to do? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Need more help deciphering the riddles and enigmas that are fueling your amazing story? Would you like to get more inspiration in your quest to know exactly what you're here on earth to do? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(May 21-June 20)
During the tyrannical reign of Spain's fascist government in the 1930s, Gemini poet Federico García Lorca creatively resisted and revolted with great courage. One critic said Lorca "was all freedom inside, abandon and wildness. A tulip, growing at the foot of a concrete bulwark." I invite you to be inspired by Lorca's untamed, heartfelt beauty in the coming weeks, Gemini. It's a favorable time to rebel with exuberance against the thing that bothers you most, whether that's bigotry, injustice, misogyny, creeping authoritarianism, or anything else. Halloween costume suggestion: a high-spirited protestor.
No one knows you better than you do, but maybe I can help you dig up even more self-knowledge. I'm certainly not an omniscient guru, but I do have some skill at inspiring you to be in intimate contact with your inner teacher. Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
No one knows you better than you do, but maybe I can help you dig up even more self-knowledge. I'm certainly not an omniscient guru, but I do have some skill at inspiring you to be in intimate contact with your inner teacher. Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(June 21-July 22)
If the trickster god Mercury gave you permission to do one mischievous thing today and a naughty thing tomorrow and a rascally thing two days from now, what would you choose? Now is the perfect time for you Cancerians to engage in roguish, playful, puckish actions. You are especially likely to get away with them, karma-free—and probably even benefit from them—especially if they are motivated by love. Are you interested in taking advantage of this weird grace period? Halloween costume suggestion: prankster, joker, fairy, elf.
Wouldn't you love to learn more about who you really are? What better adventure is there than learning about your soul's code? The greatest fun you can possibly have is to be completely yourself. For more hints, listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Wouldn't you love to learn more about who you really are? What better adventure is there than learning about your soul's code? The greatest fun you can possibly have is to be completely yourself. For more hints, listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(July 23-August 22)
Everyone's mind constantly chatters with agitated fervor—what I call the ever-flickering flux. We might as well accept this as a fundamental element of being human. It's a main feature, not a bug. Yet there are ways to tone down the inner commotion. Meditation can help. Communing with nature often works. Doing housework sometimes quells the clamor for me. The good news for you, Leo, is that you're in a phase when it should be easier than usual to cultivate mental calm. Halloween costume suggestion: meditation champion; tranquility superstar; gold medalist in the relaxation tournament.
I hope the oracle above provides you with the inspiration you need to do what you've got to do and change what needs to be changed. But if you need more clues -- if you'd like to get further inspiration for your quest to become your best self -- listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE, where I go even deeper in exploring your mysteries.
I hope the oracle above provides you with the inspiration you need to do what you've got to do and change what needs to be changed. But if you need more clues -- if you'd like to get further inspiration for your quest to become your best self -- listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE, where I go even deeper in exploring your mysteries.

(August 23-September 22)
"Education is an admirable thing," said author Oscar Wilde. "But it is well to remember that nothing worth knowing can be taught.” What?! That's an exasperating theory. I don't like it. In fact, I protest it. I reject it. I am especially opposed to it right now as I contemplate your enhanced power to learn amazing lessons and useful knowledge and life-changing wisdom. So here's my message for you, Virgo: What Oscar Wilde said DOES NOT APPLY to you these days. Now get out there and soak up all the inspiring teachings that are available to you. Halloween costume suggestion: top student.
Want more help in understanding your relationship with the game of life and your sacred duty to your destiny? Would you be interested in getting further inspiration as you figure out how to best express your precious energy? Tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Want more help in understanding your relationship with the game of life and your sacred duty to your destiny? Would you be interested in getting further inspiration as you figure out how to best express your precious energy? Tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(September 23-October 22)
To celebrate Halloween, I suggest you costume yourself as a character you were in a past life. A jeweler in first-century Rome? A midwife in 11th-century China? A salt trader in 14th-century Timbuktu? If you don't have any intuitions about your past lives, be playful and invent one. Who knows? You might make an accurate guess. Why am I inviting you to try this fun exercise? Because now is an excellent time to re-access resources and powers and potentials you possessed long ago—even as far back as your previous incarnations.
Would you like further inspiration as you scheme and dream to make the most of life's sometimes puzzling opportunities? Are you ready to raise your commitment to understanding who you are and how your energy is best expressed? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Would you like further inspiration as you scheme and dream to make the most of life's sometimes puzzling opportunities? Are you ready to raise your commitment to understanding who you are and how your energy is best expressed? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(October 23-November 21)
I guess it would be difficult to create a practical snake costume for Halloween. How would you move around? You'd have to slither across the floor and the ground everywhere you go. So maybe instead you could be a snake priest or snake priestess—a magic conjurer wearing snake-themed jewelry and clothes and crown. Maybe your wand could be a caduceus. I'm nudging you in this direction because I think you will benefit from embodying the mythic attributes of a snake. As you know, the creature sheds its old skin to let new skin emerge. That's a perfect symbol for rebirth, fertility, transformation, and healing. I'd love those themes to be your specialties in the coming weeks.
What exactly are you looking for? How would you describe the experiences you want more than anything else? What's your purpose here on earth? It's possible my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE could give you additional help in figuring out more of those mysteries.
What exactly are you looking for? How would you describe the experiences you want more than anything else? What's your purpose here on earth? It's possible my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE could give you additional help in figuring out more of those mysteries.

(November 22-December 21)
"I need my sleep," proclaimed Sagittarian comedian Bill Hicks. "I need about eight hours a day and about ten at night." I don't think you will need as much slumber as Hicks in the coming nights, Sagittarius. On the other hand, I hope you won't scrimp on your travels in the land of dreams. Your decisions in the waking world will improve as you give yourself maximum rest. The teachings you will be given while dreaming will make you extra smart and responsive to the transformations unfolding in your waking life. Halloween costume suggestion: dancing sleepwalker; snoozing genius; angel banishing a nightmare; fantastic dream creature.
Want to hear more about the subconscious factors and hidden forces that may be influencing your life? Would you like to soak up further inspiration as you figure out how to hone and channel your beautiful life energy? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Want to hear more about the subconscious factors and hidden forces that may be influencing your life? Would you like to soak up further inspiration as you figure out how to hone and channel your beautiful life energy? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(December 22-January 19)
Recently, my mom told me my dad only spoke the Slovakian language, never English, until he started first grade in a school near Detroit, Michigan. Both of his parents had grown up in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but immigrated to the United States in their youth. When I related this story to my Slovakian cousin Robert Brežny, he assured me it's not true. He met my dad's mother several times, and he says she could not speak Slovakian. He thinks she was Hungarian, in fact. So it's unlikely my dad spoke Slovakian as a child. I guess all families have odd secrets and mysteries and illusions, and this is one of mine. How about you, Capricorn? I'm happy to say that the coming months will be a favorable time to dig down to the roots of your family's secrets and mysteries and illusions. Get started! Halloween costume suggestion: your most fascinating ancestor.
To further explore the ripening blessings and interesting challenges in your life, and to more deeply engage with the beauty of your sacred destiny, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
To further explore the ripening blessings and interesting challenges in your life, and to more deeply engage with the beauty of your sacred destiny, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(January 20- February 18)
My Aquarian friend Allie told me, "If a demon turned me into a monster who had to devour human beings to get my necessary protein, I would only eat evil billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg." What about you, Aquarius? If you woke up one morning and found you had transformed into a giant wolf-dragon that ate people, who would you put on your menu? I think it's a good time to meditate on this hypothetical question. You're primed to activate more ferocity as you decide how you want to fight the world's evil in the months and years to come. Halloween costume suggestion: a giant wolf-dragon that eats bad people.
Need more whacks applied to your mental blocks? More caresses bestowed upon your growing edge? More support as you tune in to your inner teacher? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Need more whacks applied to your mental blocks? More caresses bestowed upon your growing edge? More support as you tune in to your inner teacher? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(February 19-March 20)
Do you value the feeling of wildness? Is that an experience you seek and cultivate? If so, what conditions rouse it? How does it feel? When it visits you, does it have a healthy impact? Are you motivated by your pleasurable brushes with wildness to reconfigure the unsatisfying and unwild parts of your life? These are questions I hope you will contemplate in the coming weeks. The astrological omens suggest you have more power than usual to access wildness. Halloween costume suggestion: whatever makes you feel wild.
Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? How can you guide yourself to be in a position where you know exactly what you want pretty much all the time? For more clues, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? How can you guide yourself to be in a position where you know exactly what you want pretty much all the time? For more clues, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Listen to Rob's Expanded Audio Horoscopes, updated weekly.
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