Week of October 13th, 2022
You are free to be who you want to be
You don’t have to be anything you don’t want to be.You don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations.
There’s no need to strive for a kind of perfection that’s not very interesting to you.
You don’t have to believe in ideas that make you sad or tormented.
You don’t have to feel emotions that others try to manipulate you into feeling.
You are free to be who you want to be.

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My most recent book is Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia.
Below is an excerpt.
"If everything seems under control," said auto racer Mario Andretti, "you're probably not moving fast enough."
I second that emotion. It applies to the entire human race, which is swirling through evolutionary tipping points at an accelerating speed.
But it's doubly apropos for you spiritual freedom fighters and renegade bodhisattvas, because you're the vanguard shock troops fighting to merge heaven with earth.
For your edification and amusement, we will add three corollaries to Andretti's wisdom:
1. If you're not pretty much always half-confused, most likely you're not thinking deeply enough.
2. If you're not feeling forever amazed, maybe you're not seeing wildly enough.
3. The truth is fluid, slippery, vagrant, scrambled, promiscuous, kaleidoscopic, and outrageously abundant.
How might you go about using these tricks to marinate yourself in a gentle state of ecstasy pretty much all the time?

Here's Caroline Myss' explanation of faith: "Faith is the power to stand up to the madness and chaos of the physical world while holding the position that nothing external has any authority over what heaven has in mind for you."
If you don't like the word "heaven" in Myss' statement, substitute a term that works for you, like "your higher self" or "your destiny" or "your soul's code."
Modify anything else in it that's not right for your needs, as well. When you're finished tinkering, I hope you'll have created a definition of faith that motivates you with as much primal power as you feel when you're in love.

While loitering on a sidewalk outside a nightclub in San Francisco on a September night in 1994, I found the cover of a booklet lying in the gutter.
Written by Marilena Silbey and Paul Ramana Das, it was called How to Survive Passionate Intimacy with a Dreamy Partner While Making a Fortune on the Path to Enlightenment.
Sadly, the rest of the text was missing. Ever since, hungry for its wisdom, I've tried to hunt down a copy of the whole thing, but to no avail.
I'm hoping that maybe you will consider writing your own version of the subject. If you do, please send it to me.