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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of June 9th, 2022


(June 21-July 22)
In the Tibetan language, the term nyingdu-la means "most honored poison of my heart." Many of us know at least one person who fits that description: an enemy we love to hate or a loved one who keeps tweaking our destiny or a paradoxical ally who is both hurtful and helpful. According to my analysis, it's time for you to transform your relationship with a certain nyingdu-la in your life. The bond between you might have generated vital lessons for you. But now it's time for a re-evaluation and redefinition.


SUCCESS! Last week, I changed the way I offer you my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES and Text-Message Horoscopes .

New machines! Fresh codes!

Amazingly, it all worked pretty well. Thanks for your patience and understanding, everyone!

Since I give away my written horoscopes for free, these two other services are key sources of income for me. I need them to work well.

Here's a detailed explanation of the new system.

If you do have any issues with the new system, please get in touch with my fabulous tech support team at

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