Week of December 30th, 2021
Conjuring Blessings for Yourself
In 2022, I wish you:joyous eruptions of profound gratification and gratitude;
a constant flow of fluid insights and "ah-ha!" revelations that lead to cathartic integrations;
a coming together of several lucky trends, resulting in an exquisite healing;
captivating yet relaxing adventures that enable you to weave together diverse threads of your experience, inspiring you to feel at home in the world.

Explore your long-range future
with my 3-Part EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year.
Who do you want to become in 2022? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? My reports might stimulate and inspire your meditations about the interesting possibilities.
This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year feature Part 1 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2022.
Part 2 of your Beginning-of-the-Year Predictions will be available on January 4. Part 3 will be ready for you on January 11.
What will be the story of your life in 2022? How can you exert your free will to create adventures that'll bring out the best in you, even as you find graceful ways to cooperate with the tides of destiny?
To listen to your BIG PICTURE horoscopes online, go HERE.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 1"
The cost for the Expanded Audio Horoscopes is $6 per sign. (Discounts are available for multiple purchases.)
Each forecast is 7-9 minutes long.
P.S. You can still access the SNEAK-PEEK AT 2022 from a week ago. In these expanded audio horoscopes, I describe some major themes I think you'll be working and playing with in 2022. After you register and/or log in, click on "Last Week (Dec 21, 2021)."

Here's a link to my free weekly email newsletter, featuring the Free Will Astrology horoscopes, plus a celebratory array of tender rants, lyrical excitements, poetic philosophy, and joyous adventures in consciousness. It arrives every Tuesday morning by 7:30 am.
Read past issues of the newsletter since May 12.
Read past issues of the newsletter from before May 12.
Sign up here for your free subscription.

In 2022, I invite you to have:
an improbable quest playing at the edge of your imagination: a heroic task that provokes deep thoughts and noble passions even if it incites smoldering torment;
an extravagant dream that's only slightly farfetched;
a goal that stretches your possibilities and opens your mind;
a wild hope whose pursuit makes you smarter and stronger even if you never fully accomplish it.

Things That Made the World a Better Place in 2021:
* The world agreed to tax its richest corporations.
* The Oscars Had Their Most Diverse Year Ever
* Over 9.7 million Americans are now following plant-based diets, up from only 290,000 in 2004.
* The United States rejoins the Paris Climate Accord and the World Health Organization
* The Great Resignation Gave Workers Their Lives Back
* More Than 8.47 Billion Covid-19 Vaccinations Were Administered Globally
* United Flew the First Passenger Aircraft With 100-Percent Sustainable Fuel
* Mexico elects the country’s first transgender lawmakers.
* A Filipino is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in a first for her country.
* The U.S. survived its first major coup plot.
* QAnon is in hiding, and in decline.
* Sales of zero-emission vehicles surpass diesel sales in Europe.
* A Dutch museum permanently features women artists.
* An African woman leads the World Trade Organization.
* Black Lives Matter saw major wins in the U.S.
* Protections were restored for three national monuments in the US: Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah, and the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts off the coast of New England.
* News about abortion in the US was bad, but access to abortion increased elsewhere: in South Korea, Thailand, Argentina, New Zealand, Ecuador, Mexico, and Uruguay.
* Derek Chauvin found guilty on all 3 charges related to George Floyd's death; sentenced to 22.5 years in prison
* Electric Vehicles Outsold Diesel for the First Time in Europe
* The fossil fuel divestment movement grew.
* Monarch butterfly populations were bouncing back
*The legal victories for the environment this year were substantial.
* National Geographic cartographers recognize the world’s fifth ocean.
* Kamala Harris becomes the first female and black Vice-President of the United States
* Donald Trump Was Banned From Twitter
* China Eliminated Malaria
* Drones Helped Us Get a Handle on Plastic Pollution
* Dutch ‘Bee Hotels’ Helped Bee Populations Remain Stable
* Analysts Built Software That Revolutionized the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse
* The Met Removed the Sackler Name From Its Galleries
* A Thought-to-Be-Extinct Orchid Was Found on a London Roof
* A Human Mind Was Wirelessly Connected to a Computer
* Scientists Revealed That Cheese Isn’t Bad for You
* Argentinian Capybaras Reclaimed Their Habitat
* Uber Drivers Were Granted Workers Rights in the UK
* The World’s First 3D-Printed School Opened Its 3D-Printed Doors
* Virtual Queues Revolutionized Waiting
* Renewable Energy Had a Record Year
Read more.
More good things.
Still more things.
Yet more good things.
Even more good things.

What do we need to kill off in ourselves in order to tune in to the beauty that's hidden from us?
What worn-out shticks are blinding us to the blessings that life is conspiring to give us?
Which of our theories may have been useful and even brilliant in the past but are now keeping us from becoming aware of the ever-fresh creation that unfolds before us?
It's not enough to terminate our stale mental habits just once. The price of admission into pronoia is a commitment to continual dying. We have to ask ourselves rude questions and kick our own asses again and again.
Today's versions of beauty, truth, love, goodness, justice, and liberation will pass away.
To keep abreast of the latest developments— to cultivate tomorrow's versions of pronoia — we have to immerse ourselves regularly in the waters of chaos.
Our relationship with pronoia has to be a never-ending improvisation.

One of the blessings I hope you can conjure up in 2022 is a growing skill in the right use of memory. What would that involve exactly?
On the one hand, it would mean you'd cultivate a strong grasp of historical patterns; you'd be a keen student of the twists and turns of your own life's journey.
On the other hand, you wouldn't force every new event to be evaluated solely in terms of what has happened in the past; you'd recognize that some experiences may be mostly fresh.
Other ideas?

Kate Rockwood writes:
Each night, try to think of three new things you’re happy about.
The word "new" is important. If you let yourself repeat items, you might default to some variation of “family, friends, and health” every day.
But if you have to come up with three novel, specific reasons to be happy or grateful, your brain will naturally start making mental notes of things you can include in your list throughout the day.
And all that scanning for silver linings and unexpected kindness and moments of joy? That’s basically the difference between a pessimist and an optimist.
In fact, when a research team asked a group of mild pessimists to try the habit for 21 days, then re-tested their outlooks with a battery of psychological tests, they found most people in the group tested as mild optimists.
And if you need still more reason to start flexing your gratitude, consider this: research shows that people with a more positive mindset are 40 percent more likely to get a promotion and report having more creativity and productive energy.
Most people think happiness follows success, when really investing in your happiness now might be what helps you get there.

What's the Most Important Question for You to Ask in 2022?
Dear Gorgeous Genius: You possess exceptional capacities that are absolutely unique. You're a masterpiece unlike any other that has ever lived in the history of the world.
Furthermore, the precise instructions you need to ripen into your genius have always been with you, even from the time before you were born. In the words of psychologist James Hillman, you have a soul's code.
You might also call it the special mission you came to Earth to carry out; the divine blueprint that contains the open secret of how to be perfectly, unpredictably yourself; the master plan that is your heart's deepest desire.
Would you like help in deciphering it? The Divine Intelligence Formerly Known as God is always on call, ready to help. It's your birthright to ask Her a specific question every day about what you need to do next to express your soul's code; it's also your birthright to receive a response.
The divine revelation may not be as unambiguous as a little voice in your head. It might appear in the form of a TV commercial, an odd dream, or an encounter with a stranger. It could be demanding and difficult, delivering information you'd rather not have to deal with. Or it might show up as a clear and simple feeling of knowing exactly what to do, and it could be easy and fun.
What question will you ask the Divine Wow in 2022?
P.S. "There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium. It will be lost. The world will not have it.
"It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open."
—Martha Graham

Take some paper and write "I am doing everything in my power to attract all the help and resources I need as I accomplish the following goal."
Then compose a declaration that crisply describes exactly what satisfying, growth-inducing experiences you want most in 2022 — and are willing to work hard for and even change yourself to attract, if necessary.
Keep a copy of this magic formula under your pillow or in your wallet.

What are the three miracles
that are most likely
to happen to you?
Let the body think of the spirit as streaming, pouring, rushing, and shining into it from all sides.

1. "When I grow up," wrote Ramona McNabb, "I want to be a river." What impossible magnificence would YOU like to be when you grow up?
2. "When nothing's working, it might be a cosmic conspiracy to get you to experiment," said Caroline Casey. Try out this theory.
3. In the Beauty and Truth Lab parlance, "Über-fun" (always capitalized) refers to righteous delight that inspires you to shed limiting beliefs, thereby making you trickier, smarter, kinder, and wilder. Go out and have some Über-fun, then report back.
4. Seventeenth-century philosopher Sir Francis Bacon said this: "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." Talk about how this applies to you, or to someone or something you care about.
5. Everywhere you go, visualize yourself being accompanied by three great warriors who're dedicated to your well-being.
6. Write a love note to the person you love best or to the person you want to love best.
7. What's the single most important question you'd like to resolve before you die many years hence?
8. What would you have to do in order to keep getting smarter and smarter?
9. Describe how you've fought off the seductive power of trendy cynicism without turning into a gullible Pollyanna.
10. Eckhart Tolle says this: "The most powerful starting point for any endeavor is not the question 'What do I want?', but 'What does Life (God, Consciousness) want from me? How do I serve the whole?'" Try this, then report back on how it worked.
11. "Each person is a story that the Soul of the World wants to tell to itself," says storyteller Michael Meade. What does that Soul want to say through you?

Mirabilia n. strange amazements, rare delights, friendly shocks, sweet anomalies; eccentric enchantments, unplanned jubilations, sudden deliverance from boring evils; from the Latin *mirabilia*, "marvels."
* The National Center for Atmospheric Research reports that the average cloud is the same weight as 100 elephants.
* "The average river requires a million years to move a grain of sand 100 miles," says science writer James Trefil.
* There are about nine million people on earth who were born the same day as you.
* Robust singing skill is correlated with a strong immune system in songbirds. Male birds with the most extensive repertoire of tunes also have the largest spleens, a key measure of immune system health.
* Bali has 80,000 temples.
* Because half of the world's vanilla crop is grown in Madagascar, the whole island smells like vanilla ice cream.
* Some piranhas are vegetarians.
* In an apparent attempt to raise their volume above the prevailing human din, some nightingales in big cities have learned to unleash 95-decibel songs, matching the loudness of a chainsaw.
* The 5.5 million people who live in Papua New Guinea speak 820 different languages, or one per every 6,707 people. Two villages within an hour's walking distance of each other may use utterly different tongues.
* Thirty-eight percent of North America is wilderness.
* There is a statistically significant probability of world-class athletes and military leaders being born when Mars is rising in the sky.
* In the pueblos of New Mexico, bricks still measure 33 by 15 by 10 centimeters, proportions that almost exactly match those of the bricks used to build Egypt's Temple of Hatshepsut 3,500 years ago.
* In hopes of calming flustered lawbreakers, Japanese cops have substituted the sound of church bells for sirens on police cars.
* Scientists believe they'll eventually be able to figure out why cancer cells are virtually immortal, and then apply that secret to keeping normal cells alive much longer, thereby dramatically extending the human life span.
* In the Hindu epic the Mahabharata, the hero and heroine fall in love without ever gazing upon each other, simply by hearing tales about each other's good deeds.
* Your body contains so much iron that you could make a spike out of it, and that spike would be strong enough to hold you up.
* Very few raindrops are actually raindrop-shaped. A far greater number take the form of doughnuts.
* Twelve percent of the population believes that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.
* Clown fish can alter their gender as their social status rises.
* The closest modern relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex may be the chicken.
* Bluebirds cannot see the color blue.
* Kind people are more likely than mean people to yawn when someone near them does.
* Bees perform a valuable service for the flowers from which they steal.
* All the gold ever mined could be molded into a 60-foot bust of your mom.
* The moon smells like exploded firecrackers.
* A piece of paper can never be folded more than nine times.
* Your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body.
* The most frequently shoplifted book in America is the Bible.
* "I always turn to the sports page first," said Earl Warren, former Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. "It records people's accomplishments; the front page, nothing but man's failure."
* In his book *The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead*, physicist Frank J. Tipler offers what he says is scientific proof that every human being who has ever lived will be resurrected from the dead at the end of time.
* In the Ukraine you can buy Fat in Chocolate, a food with a layer of dark chocolate covering a chunk of pork fat.
* French author and statesman André Malraux asserted that Jesus Christ was the only anarchist who ever really succeeded.

"If you're really listening, if you're awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold ever-more wonders."
—Andrew Harvey, The Return of the Mother

Many of us are essentially asleep, even as we walk around in broad daylight. We're so focused on the restless narratives and repetitive fantasies unfurling in our heads that we only dimly perceive the larger story raging in all of its chaotic beauty around us.
To have any hope of permanently breaking out of our fuzzy trance, we require regular shocks. A single jolt might cause us to briefly come to attention and see the miracle of creation for what it is, but once the red alert has passed, we relax back into our fixation on the dreamy tales our mind never stops telling us.
In the course of its conspiracy to shower us with blessings, life does its best to provide us with a steady flow of healing shocks. But because it tends to err on the side of tenderness, its prods may be too gentle, allowing us to ignore them. Gradually, life will up the ante, trying to find the right mix of toughness and love, as it encourages us to WAKE UP!
But our addiction to the phantasmagoria is tenacious. The stream-of-conscious narratives and ever-bubbling fantasies, even when they're racked with torment and terror, are perversely entertaining. And so we may avoid responding to the kind shocks for so long that life finally has to resort to stronger medicine. Then we might get sick or lose our job or muck up our closest relationship.
It doesn't have to be that way. We could cultivate in ourselves a sixth sense for the wake-up calls life sends us. We might develop a knack for responding with agile grace to the early, gentler ones so that we wouldn't have to be visited by the more stringent measures.
There's also another possibility: With hungry intent, we could seek out and hunt down invigorating jolts. We wouldn't wait to have our asses kicked, but would kick our own asses—over and over again, with a creative ingenuity that would be the envy of a great pronoiac novelist or musician or filmmaker. Who knows? We might even master the art of inducing shocks that feel really good.

"The Way of Abundance is all too often misconstrued as a shallow sense of 'getting what one wants,' 'eliminating the negative,' or 'being free from pain.' Even the often-touted 'manifesting your dreams,' offers a psychological disposition that generally remains fixated around manifestation as 'the project of me.'
"But the 'project of me' can never be enough, for it does not meet 'the other,' and real living involves meeting. The touch and contact with all of life, the full freedom of non-separation, the completeness of full relationship, and the radiance of compassionate ecstasy are what we are inherently hungry for."
—Rick Jarow, *Alchemy of Abundance: Using the Energy of Desire to Manifest Your Highest Vision, Power, and Purpose*