Week of January 14th, 2021
Dream and Scheme About Your Long-Range Future
Explore your long-range futurewith my 3-Part EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year.
What new influences will be headed your way in 2021? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? How can you conspire with life to create the best possible future for yourself?
This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year feature Part 3 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2021.
Part 1 and Part 2 of your Big-Picture Predictions, which I offered the last two weeks, are also still available.
What will be the story of your life in 2021? How can you exert your free will to create the adventures that'll bring out the best in you, even as you find graceful ways to cooperate with the tides of destiny?
To listen to your BIG PICTURE horoscopes online, go HERE..
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 3"
The cost for the Expanded Audio Horoscopes is $6 per sign. (Discounts are available for multiple purchases.)
Each forecast is 7-9 minutes long.
P.S. You can still access the SNEAK-PEEK AT 2020 from three weeks ago. In these expanded audio horoscopes, I describe some major themes I think you'll be working and playing with in 2021. After you register and/or log in, click on "Two Weeks Ago (Dec 22, 2020)."

Here's a link to my free weekly email newsletter, featuring the Free Will Astrology horoscopes, plus a bunch of other stuff. It arrives every Tuesday morning.
Read past issues of the newsletter.
Sign up here for your free subscription.

Here’s your mantra: “I disappear my fear. I resurrect my audacity.”
Say it or sing it. Maybe let it flow out of you after you wake each morning and are still lying in bed. Or make it the last sound on your lips as you drop off to sleep.
Have fun with it. Dip into your imagination to come up with different ways to let it fly. Say it as your favorite cartoon character might say it, or like a person with a Swedish accent, like your inner teenager, like a parrot, like the person you’ll be when you’re 84 years old.
“I disappear my fear. I resurrect my audacity. I disappear my fear. I resurrect my audacity.”

Sometimes we have a strong sense of what our destiny is calling us to do, but we don't feel quite ready or brave enough to answer the call. We need a push, an intervention, a serendipitous stroke—what you might call "fate bait."
It's a person or event that awakens our dormant willpower and draws us inexorably toward our necessary destiny; it's a thunderbolt or siren song or stage whisper that gives us a good excuse to go do what we know we should do.
Do you have any ideas about how to put yourself in the vicinity of your fate bait?

You are the hidden God. Wake up in the dream. Read between the lies. To question is the answer. The frontline is everywhere. There are no innocent bystanders. Truth is a three-edged sword. Practice infinite tolerance except for intolerance.
Achieve strength through joy. Embrace your shadow. Change is stability. Creation never ends. Everything is verb. The way in is the way out. All things connect all the time. The going is the goal. Today is the day!
—Reverend Adtrian Cain

A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social consciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history.
On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by profound spiritual and psychological self-awareness will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions.
When, however, the deepest and most grounded spiritual vision is married to a practical and pragmatic drive to transform all existing political, economic and social institutions, a holy force—the power of wisdom and love in action—is born. This force I define as Sacred Activism.
—Andrew Harvey
Those who attempt to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening their own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, will not have anything to give others.
They will communicate nothing but the contagion of their own obsessions, their aggressiveness, their ego-centered ambitions, their delusions about ends and means, their doctrinaire prejudices and ideas.
We are living through the greatest crisis in the history of humanity; and this crisis is centered precisely in the country that has made a fetish out of action and has lost (or perhaps never had) the sense of contemplation. Far from being irrelevant, prayer, meditation and contemplation are of the utmost importance in America.
—Thomas Merton

To my dismay, some Americans still downplay the devastation being caused by the virus. This is despite the fact that the US leads the world in number of infections and number of deaths.
Some of the deniers say that the virus only kills a small percentage of the people it infects—thereby ignoring the fact that it damages and disables a substantial percentage of the people it infects but doesn't kill. Many people who haven't been killed by the virus report lingering symptoms that feel disabling.
There's another factor the deniers ignore: The more people who are infected, the greater the chances are that the virus will mutate. And some of those mutations (as we have already seen) are more contagious, perhaps more lethal, and could possibly turn out to be immune to the vaccines.
Another factor the deniers ignore: The virus results in so many people being hospitalized, it taxes our medical system and our medical providers. It also makes it harder for people who have other health problems to be treated.

It's an ongoing riddle about how to deal with people who lack empathy and thrive on delusion. I try my best to be fierce in my boundary-setting in relation to them, but without getting personally riled up.

The underlying principle of Robert Anton Wilson's philosophy is "I know I'm wrong; I want to be less wrong." This is very different from internet culture, where the underlying philosophy is "I'm right, and I want you to know that."
Wilson thought that what we believe imprisons us; he thought convictions create convicts.
His philosophy can be called "multiple-model agnosticism." He wasn't merely agnostic about God. He was agnostic about everything.

The fundamentalist takes everything way too seriously and way too personally and way too literally. He divides the world into two camps, those who agree with him and those who don't. There is only one right way to interpret the world, and a million wrong ways. Correct belief is the only virtue.
To the fundamentalist, the liberated imagination is a sinful taboo. He not only enslaves his own imagination to his ideology, but wants to enslave our imaginations, too.
And who are the fundamentalists? Let's not remain under the delusion that they are only the usual suspects -- the religious fanatics of Islam and Christianity and Judaism and Hinduism.
There are many other kinds of fundamentalists, and some of them have gotten away with practicing their tragic magic in a stealth mode. Among the most successful are those who believe in what Robert Anton Wilson calls fundamentalist materialism. This is the faith-based dogma that swears physical matter is the only reality and that nothing exists unless it can be detected by our five senses or by technologies that humans have made.
Life has no transcendent meaning or purpose, the fundamentalist materialists proclaim. There is no such thing as a divine intelligence. The universe is a dumb accidental machine that grinds on endlessly out of blind necessity.
I see spread out before me in every direction a staggeringly sublime miracle lovingly crafted by a supernal consciousness that oversees the evolution of 500 billion galaxies, yet is also available as an intimate companion and daily advisor to every one of us. But to the fundamentalist materialists, my perceptions are indisputably wrong and idiotic.
Many other varieties of fundamentalism thrive and propagate. Every ideology, even some of the ones I like, has its share of true believers -- fanatics who judge all other ideologies as inferior, flawed, and foolish.
I know astrologers who insist there's only one way to do astrology right. I know Buddhists who adamantly decree that the inherent nature of life on Earth is suffering.
I know progressive activists who sincerely believe that every single Republican is either stupid or evil or both. I know college administrators who would excommunicate any psychology professor who dared to discuss the teachings of Carl Jung, who was in my opinion one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. I know pagans who refuse to consider any other version of Jesus Christ beyond the sick parody the Christian right has fabricated.
None of the true believers like to hear that there are at least three sides to every story. They don't want to consider the hypothesis that everyone has a piece of the truth.
And here's the really bad news: We all have our own share of the fundamentalist virus. Each of us is fanatical, rigid, and intolerant about products of the imagination that we don't like. We wish that certain people would not imagine the things they do, and we allow ourselves to beam hateful, war-like thoughts in their direction.
We even wage war against our own imaginations, commanding ourselves, sometimes half-consciously, to ignore possibilities that don't fit into our neatly constructed theories. Each of us sets aside certain precious beliefs and symbols that we give ourselves permission to take very seriously and personally and literally.
Our fundamentalism, yours and mine, may not be as dangerous to the collective welfare as, say, the fundamentalism of Islamic terrorists and right-wing Christian politicians. It may not be as destructive as that of the CEOs who worship financial profit as the supreme measure of value, and the scientists who ignore and deny every mystery that can't be measured, and the journalists, filmmakers, novelists, musicians, and pundits who relentlessly generate rotten visions of the human condition.
But still: We are all infected, you and I. We are fueling the war against the imagination. What's your version of the virus?
How might we start curing ourselves of the fundamentalist virus and move in the direction of becoming more festive and relentless champions of the liberated imagination?
For starters, we can take everything less seriously and less personally and less literally.
We can laugh at ourselves at least as much as we laugh at other people. We can blaspheme our own gods and burn our own flags and mock our own hypocrisy and satirize our own fads and fixations.
And we can enjoy and share the tonic pleasures of healing mischief, friendly shocks, compassionate tricks, irreverent devotion, holy pranks, playful experiments, and crazy wisdom.
The above is excerpted from my book Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings
The book is available at Barnes & Noble
A free preview of the book is available here

I invite you to write the following on a piece of red paper and keep it under your pillow. "I, [put your name here], do solemnly swear on this day [put date here] that I will devote myself for a period of seven days to learning my most important desire. No other thought will be more uppermost in my mind. No other concern will divert me from tracking down every clue that might assist me in my drive to ascertain the one experience in this world that deserves my brilliant passion above all others."

In 2021, I resolve to do less doom-scrolling, less rummaging around the internet scanning for disturbing headlines, less scavenging for news that shocks and horrifies me — and instead, read more books.

Our own personal happiness is impossible and hollow unless we are also in service to others. With this in mind, I propose an extension of the Bodhisattva's Vow.
The Bodhisattva Vow: "My own personal quest for illumination is incomplete, and my own personal enlightenment is meaningless, unless I am also in some specific way devoted to easing the suffering of others."
I suggest we take this Vow a step further and say, "My quest for illumination is incomplete, and my enlightenment meaningless, unless I am also in some specific way devoted to the goals of easing the suffering of others and helping them experience joy and pleasure and liberation and meaningfulness."
A cornerstone of this Extended Version of the Bodhisattva's Vow is that we are committed to providing the fundamental needs of all humans beings—their food, shelter, medical care, money—so that they have the ability to expand into joy and pleasure and liberation and abundance.

Malidoma Somé writes: "In the culture of my people, the Dagara, we have no word for the supernatural. The closest we come to this concept is 'Yielbongura,' translated as 'the thing that knowledge can't eat.'
"This word suggests that the life and power of certain things depend upon their resistance to the kind of categorizing knowledge that human beings apply to everything."

“Let us pray, not to tribal gods who provide only false and prideful triumphalism and xenophobia, good against evil, them against us, but to the dancing spirits within as they hold nameless truth in their generosity. Let us pray to be liberated into boundless mercy and love.”
—Richard Grossinger

How's your fight for freedom going? Are you making progress in liberating yourself from your unconscious obsessions, bad habits, and conditioned responses?
Do you find that you're getting more skillful at minimizing your suffering? Are you turning out to be the hero of your own life?

Hermes Trismegistus: "Find your home in the haunts of every living creature. Make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths. Bring together in yourself all opposites of quality: heat and cold, dryness and fluidity.
"Think that you are everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven. Think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave.
"Grasp in your thought all this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together. Then you can apprehend God."
—Hermes Trismegistus

Me on my walks around the neighborhood and in the wild, always ready to cast love spells on maskless narcissists who are oblivious to the desirability of social distancing during a pandemic.
My magical intention is to draw out their dormant empathy and concern for the welfare of others.
Me and my quarantine pod.

Robin Wall Kimmerer writes: "As a scientist, I have been trained to refer to our relatives, the plants and the animals, the water and the Earth herself, as 'it.
"In Potawatomi languages, we characterize the world into those who are alive and the things which are not. So we speak a grammar of animacy. And that's because in the beautiful verb-based language, a language based on being and changing and agency, the whole world is alive."
Kimmerer says she was driven to study botany because of the central question in her heart: "Why is the world so beautiful?"
Robin Wall Kimmerer is the author of "Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants." She is a member of the Potawatomi First Nation and she teaches at the State University of New York in Syracuse.

Take some paper and write "I am doing everything in my power to attract all the help and resources I need as I accomplish the following goal."
Then compose a declaration that crisply describes exactly what satisfying, growth-inducing experiences you want most in 2021 — and are willing to work hard for and even change yourself to attract, if necessary.
Keep a copy of this magic formula under your pillow or in your wallet.

* a commitment to not getting lost inside our own heads;
* a strategy to avoid being enthralled with the hypnotic lure of painful emotions, past events, and worries about the future;
* a trust in empirical evidence over our time-worn beliefs and old habits;
* a talent for turning up our curiosity full blast and tuning in to the raw truth of every moment with our beginner's mind fully engaged;
* an eagerness to dwell gracefully in the midst of all the interesting questions that tease and teach us.

I invite you to select a song that will serve as your inspirational anthem in 2021 — an emotionally-enriching song that will help keep you focused on what's important, lift you up when you're dragging, and spark you to love life with compassionate ingenuity.
If you're so moved, provide a link to the theme song you choose so I can listen to it. (I'm always looking for new inspirational tunes!) Send it to me at Truthrooster@gmail.com