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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny
Week of November 19th, 2020

(March 21-April 19)
Back in 1974, poet Allen Ginsberg and his "spirit wife," Aries poet Anne Waldman, were roommates at the newly established Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. The school's founder asked these two luminaries to create a poetics program, and thus was born the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Waldman described its ruling principle to be the "outrider" tradition, with a mandate to explore all that was iconoclastic, freethinking, and irreverent. The goal of teachers and students alike was to avoid safe and predictable work so as to commune with wild spiritual powers, "keep the energies dancing," and court eternal surprise. I think that would be a healthy approach for you to flirt with during the next few weeks.
What exactly are you looking for? How would you describe the experiences you want more than anything else? What's your purpose here on earth? It's possible my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE could give you additional help in figuring out more of those mysteries.
What exactly are you looking for? How would you describe the experiences you want more than anything else? What's your purpose here on earth? It's possible my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE could give you additional help in figuring out more of those mysteries.

(April 20-May 20)
Any legal actions you take are more likely to be successful if you initiate them between now and the solstice than if you'd begin them at other times. The same is true for any contracts you sign or agreements you make: They have a better chance to thrive than they would at other times. Other activities with more kismet than usual during the coming weeks: efforts to cultivate synergy and symbiosis; attempts to turn power struggles into more cooperative ventures; a push to foster greater equality in hierarchal situations; and ethical moves to get access to and benefit from other people's resources.
Want to hear more about the subconscious factors and hidden forces that may be influencing your life? Would you like to soak up further inspiration as you figure out how to hone and channel your beautiful life energy? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Want to hear more about the subconscious factors and hidden forces that may be influencing your life? Would you like to soak up further inspiration as you figure out how to hone and channel your beautiful life energy? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(May 21-June 20)
Never follow an expert off a precipice. Nor a teacher. Nor an attractive invitation. Nor a symbol of truth nor a vibrant ideal nor a tempting gift. In fact, never follow anything off a precipice, no matter how authoritative or sexy or appealing it might be. On the other hand, if any of those influences are headed in the direction of a beautiful bridge that can enable you to get to the other side of a precipice, you should definitely consider following them. Be on the alert for such lucky opportunities in the coming weeks.
To further explore the ripening blessings and interesting challenges in your life, and to more deeply engage with the beauty of your sacred destiny, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
To further explore the ripening blessings and interesting challenges in your life, and to more deeply engage with the beauty of your sacred destiny, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(June 21-July 22)
Malidoma Patrice Somé was born into the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso. After being initiated into the Dagara's spiritual mysteries, he emigrated to America, where he has taught a unique blend of modern and traditional ideas. One of his key themes is the hardship that Westerners' souls endure because of the destructive impact of the machine world upon the spiritual world. He says there is "an indigenous person within each of us" that longs to cultivate the awareness and understanding enjoyed by indigenous people: a reverence for nature, a vital relationship with ancestors, and a receptivity to learn from the intelligence of animals. How's your inner indigenous person doing? The coming weeks will be an excellent time to enhance your ability to commune with and nurture that vital source.
Need more whacks applied to your mental blocks? More caresses bestowed upon your growing edge? More support as you tune in to your inner teacher? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Need more whacks applied to your mental blocks? More caresses bestowed upon your growing edge? More support as you tune in to your inner teacher? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(July 23-August 22)
Psychologists have identified a quality they call NFD: "need for drama." Those who possess it may be inclined to seek or even instigate turmoil out of a quest for excitement. After all, bringing a dose of chaos into one's life can cure feelings of boredom or powerlessness. "I'm important enough to rouse a Big Mess!" may be the subconscious battle cry. I'll urge you Leos to studiously and diligently avoid fostering NFD in the coming weeks. In my astrological opinion, you will have a blessed series of interesting experiences if and only if you shed any attraction you might have to histrionic craziness.
Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? How can you guide yourself to be in a position where you know exactly what you want pretty much all the time? For more clues, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? How can you guide yourself to be in a position where you know exactly what you want pretty much all the time? For more clues, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(August 23-September 22)
"Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing," wrote philosopher Baruch Spinoza. "Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is sure." Spinoza's thoughts will be a great meditation for you in the coming weeks. If you go chasing phantom hopes, longing for absolute certainty and iron confidence, you'll waste your energy. But if you identify what is most genuine and true and essential about you, and you rely on it to guide you, you can't possibly fail.
Would you like to hear me say some more about your ever-evolving destiny? Are you open to receiving further meditations on how to understand your precious life? Check out your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Would you like to hear me say some more about your ever-evolving destiny? Are you open to receiving further meditations on how to understand your precious life? Check out your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(September 23-October 22)
"A little bad taste is like a nice splash of paprika," said Libran fashion writer Diana Vreeland. "We all need a splash of bad taste," she continued. "It's hearty, it's healthy, it's physical. I think we could use more of it. *Having no taste* is what I'm against." I understand that her perspective might be hard to sell to you refined Librans. But I think it's good advice right now. Whatever's lacking in your world, whatever might be off-kilter, can be cured by a dash of good, funky earthiness. Dare to be a bit messy and unruly.
Need more help deciphering the riddles and enigmas that are fueling your amazing story? Would you like to get more inspiration in your quest to know exactly what you're here on earth to do? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Need more help deciphering the riddles and enigmas that are fueling your amazing story? Would you like to get more inspiration in your quest to know exactly what you're here on earth to do? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(October 23-November 21)
To convey the spirit of the coming weeks, I'm offering you wisdom from two women who were wise about the art of slow and steady progress. First, here's author Iris Murdoch: "One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats, and if some of these can be inexpensive and quickly procured so much the better." Your second piece of insight about the wonders of prudent, piecemeal triumph comes from activist and author Helen Keller: "I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
No one knows you better than you do, but maybe I can help you dig up even more self-knowledge. I'm certainly not an omniscient guru, but I do have some skill at inspiring you to be in intimate contact with your inner teacher. Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
No one knows you better than you do, but maybe I can help you dig up even more self-knowledge. I'm certainly not an omniscient guru, but I do have some skill at inspiring you to be in intimate contact with your inner teacher. Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(November 22-December 21)
Sagittarian statesman Winston Churchill said that he was always ready to learn—even though there were times when he didn't enjoy being taught. That might be a useful motto for you to adopt in the coming months. By my estimates, 2021 could turn out to bring a rather spectacular learning spurt—and a key boost to your life-long education. If you choose to take advantage of the cosmic potentials, you could make dramatic enhancements to your knowledge and skill set. As Churchill' s message suggests, not all of your new repertoire will come easily and pleasantly. But I bet that at least 80 percent of it will. Start planning!
Wouldn't you love to learn more about who you really are? What better adventure is there than learning about your soul's code? The greatest fun you can possibly have is to be completely yourself. For more hints, listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Wouldn't you love to learn more about who you really are? What better adventure is there than learning about your soul's code? The greatest fun you can possibly have is to be completely yourself. For more hints, listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(December 22-January 19)
In accordance with upcoming astrological indicators, I've got some good advice for you courtesy of your fellow Capricorn David Bowie. You'll be well-served to keep it in mind between now and January 1, 2021. “Go a little bit out of your depth," counseled Bowie. "And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” For extra inspiration, I'll add another prompt from the creator of Ziggy Stardust: “Once you lose that sense of wonder at being alive, you’re pretty much on the way out.” In that spirit, my dear Capricorn, please take measures to expand your sense of wonder during the next six weeks. Make sure you're on your way in.
I hope the oracle above provides you with the inspiration you need to do what you've got to do and change what needs to be changed. But if you need more clues -- if you'd like to get further inspiration for your quest to become your best self -- listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE, where I go even deeper in exploring your mysteries.
I hope the oracle above provides you with the inspiration you need to do what you've got to do and change what needs to be changed. But if you need more clues -- if you'd like to get further inspiration for your quest to become your best self -- listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE, where I go even deeper in exploring your mysteries.

(January 20- February 18)
Most of us aren't brilliant virtuosos like, say, Leonardo da Vinci or Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie. On the other hand, every one of us has a singular amalgam of potentials that is unique in the history of the world—an exceptional flair or an idiosyncratic mastery or a distinctive blend of talents. In my astrological opinion, you Aquarians will have unprecedented opportunities to develop and ripen this golden and glorious aspect of yourself in 2021. And now is a good time to begin making plans. I encourage you to launch your year-long Festival of Becoming by writing down a description of your special genius.
Want more help in understanding your relationship with the game of life and your sacred duty to your destiny? Would you be interested in getting further inspiration as you figure out how to best express your precious energy? Tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Want more help in understanding your relationship with the game of life and your sacred duty to your destiny? Would you be interested in getting further inspiration as you figure out how to best express your precious energy? Tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.

(February 19-March 20)
In 1969, humans flew a spaceship to the moon and landed on it for the first time. In 1970, the state of Alabama finally made it legal for interracial couples to get married. That's a dramatic example of how we humans may be mature and strong in some ways even as we remain backward and undeveloped in other ways. According to my astrological analysis, the coming months will be a highly favorable time for the immature and unseasoned parts of you to ripen. I encourage you to get started!
Would you like further inspiration as you scheme and dream to make the most of life's sometimes puzzling opportunities? Are you ready to raise your commitment to understanding who you are and how your energy is best expressed? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Would you like further inspiration as you scheme and dream to make the most of life's sometimes puzzling opportunities? Are you ready to raise your commitment to understanding who you are and how your energy is best expressed? Listen to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE.
Listen to Rob's Expanded Audio Horoscopes, updated weekly.
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