Week of May 16th, 2019
Your Truth Shines
In a wheat field, a rose is a weed—even if that rose is voluptuous and vibrant. Translation: it's your sacred duty to identify the contexts in which you can thrive and then put yourself in those contexts.
Here's a link to my free weekly email newsletter, featuring the Free Will Astrology horoscopes, plus a bunch of other stuff, including good news, lucky advice, and tender rants. It arrives every Tuesday morning.
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Invitation: Go inward and contact the wisest source you know—call it your higher self, your holy guardian angel, Goddess or God, the genius of nature, or your strongest intelligence. Then pose this inquiry: What do I need to become aware of that I wouldn't even know to ask about?

CONGRATULATIONS if you've been having any of the following symptoms:
• spontaneous eruptions of gratitude
• a declining fascination with conflict
• seemingly irrational urges that lead to interesting discoveries
• yearnings to peer more deeply into the eyes of people you care about
• a mounting inability to tolerate boring influences that resist transformation
• an increasing knack for recognizing and receiving the love that's available to you

People who hate astrology assert that consulting a horoscope column or getting a reading from a professional astrologer is not a sound approach to making good decisions abut one's life.
The haters never follow up that assurance with a detailed revelation of what ARE valid ways to gather the data and insights and ideas so as to make good decisions about one's life.
Do they know about some Bureau of Acceptable Life Information that can help us determine what is and what is not worth consulting as we chart the course of our destiny?
I don't mean to be glib. I am honestly puzzled by the apparent certainty that there are unambiguous methods.
Would the astrology haters approve of the guidance and inspiration we have gleaned from our high school teachers? From our parents? From our friends? In my opinion, none of them are entirely reliable narrators; they are not to be trusted to deliver 100% accurate and wise counsel on how best to live our lives.
And how about the music of Florence and the Machine, and the poetry of Charles Baudelaire, and the movies of Akira Kurosawa? Is it a big mistake for us to eagerly take on influences from them, allowing their art to infiltrate our subconscious minds and subtly skew and shift our attitudes? Are we deluded?
Or how about the philosophy of the Upanishads or Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel or Susan Sontag? Or the psychological ideas of Carl Jung or Clarissa Pinkola Estes or Erik Erikson? Or the writing of Joan Didion or Pema Chodron or Kurt Vonnegut? Or the social science of Malcolm Gladwell? Or the economic theories of Paul Krugman? Are they all foolproof, unimpeachable sources of wise guidance that we can unconditionally rely on to steer our personal lives in a righteous direction?
Or should we be ruthlessly careful to draw our guidance and inspiration only from paragons of reason and science? Should our night tables be stacked with books by Stephen Hawking and Charles Darwin and chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov and mathematician Terence Tao? Should we read passages from their teachings every night in the expectation that they will shape us into paragons of reason and science? That they will unfailingly guide us to make good decisions about how to live?
I don't think so. It's fine if those tomes and others like it constitute part of our own personal Bureau of Acceptable Life Information. But we need to draw inspiration and education from a variety of other sources, as well—each of which, like Hawking and Darwin and Kasparov and Tao, is imperfect and incomplete.
It's perfectly reasonable to look to astrology as one of our sources, because astrology is a branch of psychology, as well as an art form—a mode of storytelling. It's designed to stimulate our imaginations as we ruminate on what it means to be a human being. It's an evocative mytho-poetic system that helps us identify and transform our subconscious patterns and have fun speculating about the big picture of our destinies.

My most recent book is
Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia. Here's an excerpt:
Knowing the difference between your fearful fantasies and your authentic, accurate intuitions is one of the greatest spiritual powers you can possible have.
Let's explore what it means: discerning between the frightening, alienating pictures that sometimes pop into your imagination, as opposed the simple, warm, clear direction that is always available from the deepest source within you.
Read or hear the rest.

When poet Wislawa Szymborska delivered her speech for winning the Nobel Prize, she said that "whatever else we might think of this world—it is astonishing." She added that for a poet, there really is no such thing as the "ordinary world," "ordinary life," and "the ordinary course of events."
In fact, "Nothing is usual or normal. Not a single stone and not a single cloud above it. Not a single day and not a single night after it. And above all, not a single existence, not anyone's existence in this world."

(Listen to this as a song)
Welcome to the Beauty and Truth Lab.
We're coming to you live from your repressed memories of paradise, reminding you that you can have anything you need if you will just ask for it in an unselfish way.
Welcome to the end of your nightmares, beauty and truth fans!
The world is young, your soul is free, and a naked celebrity is dying to talk to you about your most intimate secrets right now.
Just kidding.
In fact, the world is young, your soul is free, and at any moment you will feel a flood of ecstatic compassion for salamanders, oak trees, clouds, toasters, convenience store clerks, and even the ocean itself.
I'm your host. My name is the Sacred Janitor at the Edge of Time, and I'm proud to announce that this is a perfect moment.
It's a perfect moment for many reasons, but especially because you are on the verge of finally figuring out exactly what it is you really want more than anything else.
Bravo! Viva! Whoopee! Oooo Eureka! Hallelujah! Abracadabra!
Bravo! Viva! Whoopee! Oooo Eureka! Hallelujah! Abracadabra!
The Beauty and Truth Lab's experiments are brought to you by the pine trees whose seeds are so tightly compacted within their protective covering that only the intense heat of a forest fire can free them and allow them to sprout.
Listen to this as a song.
Listen and download (free) lots more of my music and spoken word.

More of what has been going right in the world:
Fresh evidence pointed to continuing recovery of the ozone layer
Colombia created the world's largest tropical rainforest national park
The Virginia legislature voted to expand Medicaid, as did voters in Idaho, Utah and Nebraska.
Floridians voted overwhelmingly (64 percent) to restore voting rights to felons once they have completed their sentences.
Voters in Utah, Missouri, Colorado and Michigan approved redistricting reforms. That means less gerrymandering and fairer elections.
The impunity of powerful men to harass and assault women continued to be challenged by the #MeToo movement
The EU voted for a total ban on bee-harming insecticides
In April, the EU agreed to ban a group of insecticides that have been linked to a dramatic reduction in bee numbers.
Pakistan pledged to plant ten billion trees.

Poet Mary Oliver provides us with this excellent guidance:
Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
Here are some suggestions I would add:
Make the invisible dark force beautiful.
Create a song out of your moans.
Brag about your wounds.
Sneak gifts to your bad self now and then.
Dissolve the ties that bind you to hollow intelligence.
Train yourself in the art of unpredictability.
Play forever in time's blessing.
Lift up your heart unto the wild sun.
Distribute your favors to the vulnerable ones who can never pay you back.
Fall out of love with fear.
Make beautiful messes in the midst of ugly messes.

How can we influence people to stop their desecration and extermination of nature? How can we motivate people to stop committing genocide against animal species? My suggestions:
1. Show people scientific data that shocks them into acknowledging how much harm human activity is inflicting.
2. Speak to people about the sin of bequeathing their descendants a damaged, impoverished planet.
3. Ask people to dissolve the unethical greed that leads them to consume so many of the earth's resources and produce too much waste.
4. Cultivate and express smart love for the interconnected web of life. Feel it deeply.
5. Celebrate the fact that there are other forms of consciousness and intelligence besides just the human kind. Cultivate loving relationships with them.
6. Embody the hypothesis that spending time in wild places enhances one's mental hygiene and physical health.
7. Value the feminine as much as the masculine.
8. Cultivate the art of empathy, and demonstrate how to make it flourish in everything you do.
9. Show what it means to think with your heart and feel with your head.
10. Stay in close touch with the Mysterium, the other real world that is the root of the material world.
11. Vow to bring the I-Thou dynamic to bear on all your relationships.
12. Be as curious about intimacy as you are about power.

Poet Gary Snyder wrote:
"I pledge allegiance to the soil
one ecosystem
in diversity
under the sun
with joyful interpenetration for all."
Environmentalist Edward Abbey said, "My loyalties will not be bound by national borders . . . or limited in the spiritual dimension by one language or culture. I pledge my allegiance to the damned human race, and my everlasting love to the green hills of Earth, and my intimations of glory to the singing stars, to the very end of space and time."
In *Moby Dick*, Herman Melville suggested that ideally a person should be a "patriot to heaven."

If you want your personal chart done, I recommend a colleague whose approach to reading astrology charts closely matches my own. She's my wife, RO LOUGHRAN. Her website is here.
Ro utilizes a blend of well-trained intuition, emotional warmth, and technical proficiency in horoscope interpretation. She is skilled at exploring the mysteries of your life's purpose and nurturing your connection with your own inner wisdom.
In addition to over 30 years of astrological experience, Ro has been a licensed psychotherapist for 17 years. She integrates psychological insight with astrology's cosmological perspective.
Ro is based in California, but can do phone consultations and otherwise work with you regardless of geographic boundaries.
Check out Ro's website.