Week of March 28th, 2019
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Relationship" is a dull term for something so interesting. Try "link-flash" instead. Rather than calling people your "friend" or "partner," call them your "accomplice," your "freestyle," or your "lightning."
Boring terms like "significant other," "boyfriend," "girlfriend," & "spouse" could be retired, too. Try "lushbuddy," "heartbeat," or "jelly roll."
Feel free to coin your own surgecrafts and questbursts.

It's a free country. You're free to desecrate nature and live without any thought for our descendants and forever and adamantly believe every borrowed idea that settled into your head when you were coming of age.
You're free to scarf down pesticide-laden junk food and memorize Ford truck jingles and vote for old white straight male millionaires.
On the other hand, you're also free to go on jubilant picnics in the wilderness using sustainable dishware and cleaning up after yourself.
You're free to formulate a master plan to achieve your own precious dreams in ways that will also serve our fellow humans and bestow blessings on our descendants.
You're free to radically revise your philosophy of life every once in a while to account for the ever-changing contours of your own destiny and the ever-evolving urgencies of our shared culture and history.
You're free—FREE!!!!—to care dearly about what foods you put in your body and regard advertising as a form of propagandistic brainwashing and do your part to increase the representation of women in political office to at least fifty percent.
I bring these thoughts to your attention because i'd love to encourage you to become a connoisseur of freedom and a master of the art of liberation. I'm hoping to kick your butt a bit even as I pique your excitement about a full range of emancipatory possibilities.
Hypothesis: to serve your ambitions most effectively, be more motivated by the desire to give your gifts and express your love than by the push to do your duty or the lust to attract approval or the hop to win money and prizes.

I propose we revive an archaic English word, "museful." Hundreds of years ago, it simply meant meditative, pensive, or thoughtful. Let's expand its definition to be "full of the presence and inspiration of the muse."
P.S. Who is your muse or who are your muses? Provide an image or sound.

For more about the good news stories below, plus links to the articles that provide full evidence, go here.
1. Youth crime in the Australian state of New South Wales has plummeted in the last 20 years. Vehicle theft is down by 59%, property theft by 59%, and drunk-driving by 49%.
2. In the last generation, arrests of Californian teenagers have fallen by 80%, murder arrests by 85%, gun killings by 75%, imprisonments by 88%, teen births by 75%, school dropouts by half, and college enrollments are up by 45%.
3. According to new data from the Department of Justice, the proportion of people being sent to prison in the United States has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years.
4. Thanks to shifting tastes amongst those born after 1980, 70% of the world’s population is reducing meat consumption or leaving meat off the table altogether.
5. Germany announced one of the most ambitious waste management schemes in history. The government plans to recycle 63% of its total waste within the next four years, up from 36% today.
6. The Malaysian government announced it would not allow any further expansion of oil palm plantations, and that it intends to maintain forest cover at 50%.
7. Denmark became the latest country to announce a ban on internal combustion engines. There are now 16 countries with bans that come into effect before 2040—including China and India, the two biggest car markets in the world.
8. In 2018, the world surpassed the four million mark for electric vehicles. In the world’s biggest car market, China, electric cars reached 5% of sales; China’s internal combustion car market is flat, with all growth now being absorbed by EVs.
9. Adidas sold five million pairs of shoes made from ocean plastic in 2018, and is committed to using only recycled plastic in its products by 2024.
10. Four years ago, China declared a war on pollution. It’s working. Cities have, on average, cut concentrations of fine particulates in the air by 32%.

Your old self is the fuel you will use to burn your old self to the ground. This bonfire will liberate your new self, which has been trapped in a gnarly snarl deep inside your old self.
It's only at first that you'll feel freaked out by the flames. Very quickly a sense of relief and release will predominate. Then, as the new you makes its way to freedom, escaping its cramped quarters and flexing its vital force, you will be blessed with a foreshadowing of your future.
The intoxication that follows will bring you clarity and peace of mind.

"When one has not had a good father, one must create one," said philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. What does that mean? How might you go about "creating" a good father?
Well, you could develop a relationship with an admirable older man who is an inspiring role model.
You could read books by men whose work stirs you to actualize your own potentials.
If you have a vigorous inner life, you could build a fantasy dad in your imagination.
Here's another possibility: Cultivate in yourself the qualities you think a good father should have.
Your ideas? Tell me at Truthrooster@gmail.com
Even if you actually had a pretty decent father, I'm sure he wasn't perfect. So it still might be interesting to try out some of these ideas.

You taste delicious
Animals understand you
Your importance is unusual
The funny faces you make are interesting to look at
You fight for power in all the right ways
Ecstatic gratitude is pouring out of you
I see the best in you
Your divine attitude
You have strong feet and a pioneer heart
No one can overflow as well as you can
You are famous with God
You are famous with me
You are famous with the snakes and birds
and roses and pines
and oceans and earth and sky
A lost tribe salutes you from the other side of the veil
You remind me of a star
Hear this poem as a song sung by me
Another version of the song, sung by the inimitable Adrienne Mehri Shamszad