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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of January 31st, 2019


(July 23-August 22)
Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the next five months. FEBRUARY: There's a general amnesty in all matters regarding your relationships. Cultivate truces and forgiveness. MARCH: Drop fixed ideas you might have about what's possible and what's not. Be keenly open to unexpected healings. APRIL: Wander out into the frontiers. Pluck goodies that have been off-limits. Consider the value of ignoring certain taboos. MAY: Sacrifice a small comfort so as to energize your ambitions. JUNE: Take a stand in behalf of your beautiful ideals and sacred truths.


I've gathered together the Free Will Astrology horoscopes that address the far-reaching themes of your destiny in the coming months. Read a compendium of your written horoscopes for 2019: Your Glorious Story 2019

In addition to my written reports, I have created three-part, in-depth EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES about Your Long-Range Future. They go further in exploring your long-range prospects and challenges. What will be the story of your life in 2019? Are you ready to shed your superstitious fears about the future? Would you like to slip into the coming year armed with an influx of confidence and poise?

To access the EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." Choose from Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Each part is a standalone report, not dependent on the other two.

The cost is $6 per horoscope, but there are discounts if you buy multiple tokens. Each Long-Range, Big-Picture Audio Forecast is 7 to 9 minutes long. (P.S. You can also listen to a short-term audio horoscope for the coming week! "This week (Jan 29, 2019)")