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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of January 3rd, 2019


(January 20- February 18)
In Canada, it's illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft. It's fine to actually do witchcraft, however. With that as our inspiration, I advise you to be rigorous about embodying your authentic self in 2019. Make sure you never lapse into merely imitating who you are or who you used to be. Don't fall into the trap of caring more about your image than about your actual output. Focus on standing up for what you really mean rather than what you imagine people expect from you. The coming months will be a time when you can summon pure and authoritative expressions of your kaleidoscopic soul.


Would you like some inspiration as you muse and wonder about your upcoming adventures in 2019? Do you long to slip out of your habitual thoughts about your life and get a more transcendent view? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2019. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2." Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is still available.

You can also still access my sneak-peek at 2019 from two weeks ago. To hear these, click on "Two Weeks Ago (Dec. 18, 2018)."

The cost for the Expanded Audio Horoscopes is $6 per sign. (Discounts are available for multiple purchases.)