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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of December 21st, 2017


(November 22-December 21)
The blunt fact is that you can't be delivered from the old demoralizing pattern that has repeated and repeated itself -- until you forgive yourself completely. For that matter, you probably can't move on to the next chapter of your life story until you compensate yourself for at least some of the unnecessary torment you've inflicted on yourself. Now here's the good news: 2018 will be an excellent time to accomplish these healings.


Want to get a head start on your future? This week my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES offer you a sneak-peek at some major themes you'll be working and playing with in 2018. You can purchase these inspirational clues here.

Start dreaming and scheming about who you're going to be in the new year. Enlist my help as you energize your quest to become your best self.