Week of November 21st, 2013
You Are a Disseminator of Pronoia
My most recent book isPronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia. It's also available here.
Below is an excerpt.
The Beauty and Truth Lab is coming to you live from your repressed memory of paradise, reminding you that all of creation loves you very much.
Even now, secret allies are cooking up mysteries that will excite you and incite you for years to come.
Even now, the Earth, moon, and sun are collaborating to make sure you have all you need to make your next smart move.
But here's the loaded question: Are you willing to start loving life back with an equal intensity? The adoration it offers you has not exactly been unrequited, but there is room for you to be more demonstrative.
Half of the art of pronoia is about being improvisationally receptive to life's elaborate scheme to shower you with blessings. The other half is about learning to be a co-conspirator who assists life in doling out blessings -- to help everyone else get exactly what they need, exactly when they need it.
Visualize yourself being able to recognize the raw truth about the people you care about. Imagine that you can see how they already embody the beauty their souls' codes have promised as well as how they still fall short of embodying that beauty.
Picture yourself being able to make them feel appreciated even as you inspire them to risk changes that will activate more of their souls' codes.

Listen to a welcome message from the Beauty & Truth Lab.
Listen to and download over two hours' worth of my music and spoken word stuff. It's all free.

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses
Occupy Wall Street activists buy $15m of Americans' personal debt: Rolling Jubilee spent $400,000 to purchase debt cheaply from banks before 'abolishing' it, freeing individuals from their bills.
"These traditions come from Neolithic times -- from shamanism -- and they have never stopped. For a few nights you can behave like a goat, drink a lot and forget about being civilized. You can be a wild animal for three days and then you go back to controlling your wildness."
(Note: I endorse these because I like them. They are not advertisements, and I get no kickbacks.)

Are you in quest of an Intimate Ally? A Soul Friend? A Wild Confidante?
Check out Match.com via Free Will Astrology's link.
Look for a Co-Pilot, Co-Conspirator, or Collaborator . . . an Agent to represent you or a Disciple to worship you . . . a Secret Sharer who'll listen better than anyone or an Amazing Accomplice with whom you can practice the Art of Liberation.

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