Week of May 16th, 2013
You Deserve Magic Every Day
Every day, you have to wade through a relentless surge of soul-less facts. The experience tends to dampen your sense of wonder.Every day, you're overexposed to stories that have been sucked free of delight and mystery. That's why you have to make such strenuous efforts to keep your world enchanted.
I like to think I can contribute to the sacred cause of feeding your sense of wonder and enchantment. In fact, that's one of my prime motivations for offering you the free weekly horoscopes you read here on my website.
If you ever want more of that good stuff, and think it's worth paying for, consider trying my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES. They're four-to-five-minute meditations on the current state of your destiny and where you're headed.
Go here to register and log in.
The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888
"Your Expanded Audio Horoscopes provide me with the Rest of the Story. I'm not necessarily a believer in the scientific accuracy of astrology, but I do think you've got a lot of practical wisdom to impart."
- M. Tennenbaum, New York
"No one knows more about me than me. But you're right up there near the top of the list of people who do understand something about how I tick. How is that possible?"
- R. Goren, Albuquerque

My most recent book is
Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia)
Here's an excerpt:
Imagine this scene. You're really thirsty -- so dehydrated that you're feeling faint. Yet here's the weird thing: You're walking along the bank of a wide river that's so clear you could see the bottom if you looked.
But you're not looking. In fact, you seem oblivious to the surging force of nature just a few yards away.
Is it invisible to you? Are you so preoccupied with your suffering that you're blind to the very source that would end your suffering?
Up ahead you see a man. As you approach, you realize he's holding a bottle of water. You run to him and beg him to let you drink. He readily agrees. Gratefully, you guzzle the precious liquid, then thank him profusely.
As you walk away, he calls after you, "By the way, there's a lot more water over there," and he points to the river.
Do you hear him? If you hear him, do you believe him? Or do you keep walking, hoping to find another person with another bottle somewhere up ahead?

My book THE TELEVISIONARY ORACLE has been reprinted and is also available as an e-book:
Hard-copy book
Kindle edition
Read the first four chapters
See the cover
Read a review
Excerpts from that review:
The Televisionary Oracle is a powerful example of how ancient mysticism may just be the best tool for revolutionary action, both for the individual and the society."
"What's amazing is how Brezsny's prose remains invigorating in the transition from weekly astrology to larger scope writing. The prose is still poetic, circular, almost dancing, combining the narrative voices of Anais Nin, Tom Robbins, David Ignatow, and a host of ancient mystics."
"Other New Age, spiritualist novels lead the reader to take a fresh look at the world by ignoring the economic and corrupt nightmares of capitalism and its pollution of culture. But instead of looking away and pointing to a daisy field or deities seated upon fluffy clouds, Brezsny alternates his world-as-an-illusion, 'utopia ahead' narrative with insightful cultural critique."

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