Week of March 18th, 2010
Soundtrack for Pronoia
Dear Readers,Is it a song? A spoken-word piece? A ritual incantation? Whatever it is, it's called Glory in the Highest, and it's the second in an ongoing series of free downloads from the soundtrack for my book, Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia.
Go here to access Glory in the Highest.
In addition to my music and vocals, "Glory in the Highest" also features the singing of Nina Lakshmi and the guitar work and production help of Josh Brill.
Thanks for your continuing show of massive support for my book. In the last two weeks, Free Will Astrology readers have bought more books and written more reviews for Amazon.com than the previous three months combined.
I'd love to keep riding this momentum. I've still got a way to go before I'll break even on my self-publishing costs. (Read the full story.)
It's a tough economic time for some of you, I know, so I completely understand if contributing to my financial well-being is out of the question. And besides, there's absolutely no pressure. I love you madly and dearly even if you never spend a penny to buy the things I create!