Week of February 25th, 2010
How Much Do You Love Yourself?
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is available here.I invite you to deepen and intensify your commitment to the most important person in your life -- you. One way to further that sacred cause is to get married to yourself. In my book, I've created a text you can refer to as you perform the wedding. Or you can use my text for inspiration as you create your own version.
Below is an excerpt. To read the whole text, go here.
Let's begin by telling a simple truth: You will probably never create a resilient, invigorating bond with the lush accomplice of your dreams until you master the art of loving yourself ingeniously. A wedding ritual that joins you to yourself could catalyze an uncanny shift in your personal mojo that would attract a fresh, hot consort into your life, or else awaken the sleeping potential of a simmering alliance you have now.
If you're feeling brave, try speaking the following words aloud:
"I am no longer looking for the perfect partner.
I am my own perfect partner."
Say it even stronger:
"I am no longer looking for the perfect partner
to salve all my wounds
and fix all my mix-ups
and bridge all my chasms.
I am no longer looking for the perfect partner
because I am my own perfect partner."