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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of June 21st, 2007


(July 23-August 22)
How well are you capitalizing on this year's unique opportunities, Leo? Now that we're almost halfway through 2007, let's take an inventory. I'm hoping that six months from now, you'll look back and say the following: "This was the year I learned how to play and have fun on a higher level. I resurrected everything I knew about playing and having fun as a child, and applied it to my life as an adult. I liberated my imagination in the bedroom and in the workplace; I gave myself permission to seek out amusement and delight as if they were the holiest motivations of all. I cavorted and joked and fooled around as if my dreams depended on it."

Want a longer, more in-depth PREVIEW of YOUR DESTINY from JULY through DECEMBER 2007? Normally my Expanded Audio Horoscopes cover just a week at a time. But this week, I'm offering you an exploration of the entire next six months.

Go here to listen to my IN-DEPTH, LONG-TERM AUDIO FORECAST for YOUR LIFE during the rest of 2007.

This report is not a repeat of the written horoscope you find here, but is an entirely fresh exploration of your astrological omens designed to help you tune in to your soul's code.

I want you to know exactly who you are and to be able to express that uniqueness in ever-more satisfying ways. It's your birthright!

You can also access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes by phone at 1-877-873-4888.