Rebellious Hope
As I compose my reports for your destiny during the rest of 2025, I will have to deal with this conundrum: I don't want to minimize or ignore the impact that Donald Trump’s presidency will have on our lives, but I also don’t want it to dominate our awareness and define how we live.
Before I go further in this discussion, I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to uplift and inspire you in the coming months. I view it as my sacred, joyous duty to offer you rebellious hope and insurrectionary optimism. I vow that together we will find ways to celebrate our lives and flourish with gusto.
And this is also true: The Trumpocalypse will be among the most challenging ongoing tribulations that we Americans have ever dealt with. None of us will be completely spared from the problems that will arise. That includes virtually all the people who voted for Trump.

By the way, this is not a Democrat versus Republican thing. Yes, I am a very left-leaning person, but I have never had such strong apprehensions about previous Republican presidents or Republican presidential candidates. George Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney are saints compared to Trump.

quote by Don Miguel Ruiz
Here’s they key point: I don't want us to be utterly consumed by or defined by the Trumpocalypse. I want us to do what we can to safely and wisely escape its tyranny and help everyone else do the same.
I want us to be resourceful in coming up with ways we can take advantage of potential opportunities, even in the face of the hardships.
I want us to meditate on how we can go on living our lives with as much vigor and verve as possible, even as we take wise precautions so as to be avoid being wounded by Trump and Company’s actions.
So my approach in creating my astrological reports for you in 2025 and beyond will be to emphasize the best-possible scenarios available to you. I want to describe the optimal outcomes. I want to inspire you with hopeful thoughts and will assist you in making the best of this challenging time.

A fundamental practice in staying healthy and sustaining what we love will be the way we interact with our allies and those we love.
How can the way we do intimacy be upgraded and refined so as to shelter us from the political mayhem and empower our responses to it?
How can our interpersonal relationships be alchemical laboratories where we bolster our commitment to weathering the coming storms and slowly but surely build a more beautiful and just culture?
Let’s propose that our relationships with family, allies, loved ones, and dear animals can become luminous vessels—sanctuaries into which we pour our wild grief, our trembling hopes, and our fierce determination to remain unbroken. Let’s reimagine intimacy as both shelter and forge, where we cultivate our love as a protective shield and gift to our wider community.
Remember that every moment of genuine connection becomes a thread in the web of alternative culture we are weaving. When we dare to see each other truly and tenderly with our full, messy magnificence, we're already practicing the world we are dreaming into being.
In this way, our love for each other becomes our most potent magic—not just shelter from the superstorms, but the lightning that illuminates new possibilities, the thunder that shakes awake our sleeping potential, the rain that nourishes the future's blooming.

One of the best ways to prepare for the Trumpocalyse is to be in daily, intimate contact with the natural world. We will be consoled and nurtured as we commune with animals and plants and the beautiful earth.

In the above photo, I am with my best ally, out in the marsh, preparing our souls to be vigorous, inspired, and unflagging in our commitment to compassion and justice.

Below is a list of other practices we can embrace to uplift and inspire ourselves and each other:
Ritual Practices for Personal Power
1. Create daily ceremonies that sanctify your devotion to your vitality and self-care.
• Maybe light a candle upon awakening while speaking a specific wish for personal and collective liberation.
• Before sleep each Sunday night, write a brief prayer manifesto to transmute anxiety into motivation.
2. Energy shielding through artistic alchemy
• Weave a protective psychic cocoon for yourself through creative expression. Paint your paradise, dance your rage, fiercely pray your grief into golden possibility, remember and revive your passion by singing as you hike out in nature.
• Perform sacred rage release rituals. Honor your precious anger through movement, through primal screaming into pillows, through writing letters you burn under the dark moon. Remember that your fury is fuel for your ever-fuller awakening.

3. Community Weaving
• Dream circles: Encourage the formation of small, intimate groups that meet regularly to share both night visions and waking dreams for the future. These become crucibles of collective imagination, where individual hopes crystallize into shared vision.
• Resource rings: Create networks of mutual aid—sharing skills, tools, medicines, meals. Each act of reciprocity becomes a spell against scarcity consciousness, a thread in the web of interdependence.
• Truth-telling temples: Sacred spaces where people gather to speak their raw truths, to witness each other's wounds and wisdom, to remember they are not alone in their feeling or their fighting.
• Energy Protection While Staying Engaged: Learn more about how to move like water: to flow around obstacles rather than crashing against them, to be both soft and unstoppable, to find the spaces between spaces where change becomes possible.
• The art of strategic disconnection: When to unplug, when to dive deep into nature's holding, when to let the noise of the world fade so your inner knowing can speak. Not as escape but as essential replenishment.
• Transmutation practices: Methods for composting despair into determination, for spinning anxiety into action, for alchemizing collective pain into shared purpose. Be both tender and titanium.

Read Joan Westenberg's essay, "Rebellious Optimism: How We Thrive in a Broken World"

Tips for surviving the coming months
Historian Timothy Snyder tells us 20 rules for surviving authoritarianism.
How to survive the broligarchy: 20 lessons for the post-truth world
Trump is an aspiring dictator who aims to aggregate his power to reward his friends and punish his enemies.
We CAN and MUST resist Trump's authoritarianism
Let’s identify excellent journalism that deserves our support and curiosity as we weather this mayhem. Go here for a list of feisty truth-seekers who will keep us informed of what's really happening.

The Undertaking
by Louise Glück
The darkness lifts, imagine, in your lifetime.
There you are—cased in clean bark you drift
through weaving rushes, fields flooded with cotton.
You are free. The river films with lilies,
shrubs appear, shoots thicken into palm. And now
all fear gives way: the light
looks after you, you feel the waves’ goodwill
as arms widen over the water; Love,
the key is turned. Extend yourself—
it is the Nile, the sun is shining,
everywhere you turn is luck.

Prayer for Us
Pronoia therapy
Prayer Warriors Standing By
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Pronoia therapy
Prayer Warriors Standing By
Listen to Rob's Expanded Audio horoscopes, updated weekly.