New System for Audio Horoscopes & Text Horosocpes

Beginning now, I am hosting my Expanded Audio Horoscope Readings and Daily Sunburst Text Messages on a new system. I trust you will be able to make the adjustment gracefully! If you have any questions, contact my kind and expert support team:

Here's an explanation of how the new system works:

In the new system, you buy tokens to access the Expanded Audio Horoscope Readings and Daily Sunburst Text Messages.

You need 7 tokens for one Expanded Audio Horoscope Reading. You need 1 token for each Daily Sunburst Text Message.

The more tokens you buy at a time, the less you pay for each Expanded Audio Horoscope Reading and Daily Sunburst Text Message.

28 tokens cost $24.

56 tokens cost $40.

105 tokens cost $60. (So in that case, each Expanded Audio Horoscope Reading would be $4.)


Here are the typical scenarios and how they worked on the old website and how they will work on the new website.


Scenario #1: You only want to listen to Expanded Audio Horoscope Readings.

On the old website: You would either buy 1 Reading each week or a package of multiple Readings to save money.

On the new website: You either buy the 7-token package to listen to one Expanded Audio Horoscope Readings, or you buy a bigger token package to listen to multiple Readings and save money.


Scenario #2: You want to try out the Daily Sunburst Text Messages, but aren't sure you want to subscribe.

On the old website: You would buy a 30-day non-auto-renew subscription, and if you didn't like it, you just spent $27.96 and will get them for 30 days before they stop.

On the new website: You can buy 1 token and try it once, and then cancel your subscription if you don't like it right away. Or you can buy more tokens (perhaps a 28-token package for $24), and give it a month to decide.


Scenario #3: You LOVE the Daily Sunburst Text Messages and want to make sure you get them continuously without having to remember to do anything

On the old website: You set up an auto-renew subscription, $19.96 per month, and then just let the Sunbursts keep coming.

On the new website: You set up an auto-purchase package. Let's say you select 28 tokens for $24. The next day, you get a Sunburst, which uses one token. Now you have 27 tokens left. About 3 weeks later, they drop below 8 tokens, which is the threshold for auto-purchase to trigger, and you automatically buy another 28-token package. The exact same result as the old website, done via automatic token purchases instead of auto-renew.

your wounds healed
