How I Disagree with Biden

Among the few things the Biden Administration has done that I disagree with are these:

1. His administration has continued to do what every US Congress and president has done steadily since 1948: give money and weapons to Israel. In light of the suffering inflicted on the Gazan people by the Israel Defense Forces, I think this has been a mistake.

2. His administration provided funds to help law enforcement agencies advance community policing efforts.


On the other hand, an honest analysis of the Biden administration's accomplishments shows a profusion of shrewd decision-making and well-thought-out policies. His administration has been the most progressive of my lifetime. Michael Moore and my hero Bernie Sanders agree with this assessment.

Biden Administrations' Year One Accomplishments

Biden Administrations' Year Two Accomplishments

Biden Administrations' Year Three Accomplishments

Biden Administrations' Year Four Accomplishments

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