The Televisionary Oracle
Chapter 17
Live from the United Snakes of Rosicrucian Coca-Cola
You're tuned to the Televisionary Oracle
Featuring continuous updates from the Threshold between Us and Them
Where everyone who believes in the devil is the devil
Where the archetypes are mutating
and so are you
Where compassion is an aphrodisiac
and all the commercials make you smarter
Where everything you know is wrong
and yet you still have as much power as fanatics who hate
Where there are always cherries ripening
in the smoke of burning rain forests
The scene: a mother and eight-year-old daughter at a restaurant. Peering earnestly at the waitress, the girl says, "I want a hot dog, french fries, and Coke."
The mother doesn't acknowledge this declaration. "My daughter will have the bean salad, plain yogurt, and grapefruit juice," she asserts.
Turning to the girl, the waitress asks, "Do you want ketchup with it?"
The girl beams at the waitress and muses to herself, "She thinks I'm real."
The moral of the story: Make sure that you hang out as much as possible with people like the waitress.
This experiment in adoration
is brought to you by Telepathics Anonymous,
a 13-step program for those who're never sure
where other people's feelings leave off
and their own begin.
Are you one of the millions of Americans
suffering from chronic psychic contagion?
Telepathics Anonymous offers living proof
that the Cult of Scientism
doesn't have a clue
about how human minds continually overlap.
As a get-acquainted gift,
the professional boundary-setters at Telepathics Anonymous
would like to present you with an omen
concerning the future of an illusion
you love a little too much.
Look for it exactly seventy-one hours and twenty-five minutes
from right NOW!