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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of February 1st, 2024


(September 23-October 22)
One of the great maladies affecting modern people is the atrophy of the soul. It’s related to another affliction: the apathy of the soul. A key contributor to these misfortunes is the entertainment industry. Its shallow and artificial stimuli are engineered to overfeed our egos, leaving our poor souls malnourished. Please note that I have no problem with our egos. They are an important part of our make-up and are essential for healthy functioning. But it's a shame they hog all the glory and sustenance. Now here’s my climactic message for you, Libra: It's high time to celebrate a holiday I call Nurture the Soul. Make it last at least three weeks. Homework: Identify three actions you will take to excite, cherish, and enhance your soul.


You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth Explorations of Your Long-Range Future. What are your plans for the coming year? Could you use some more help mapping out your dreams and schemes in 2024?

To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in here, and choose from Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of the "Long-Term Prediction for 2024." Each part is a standalone report, not dependent on the other two.

The cost is $7 per horoscope. There are discounts if you buy multiple tokens. Each Long-Range, Big-Picture Audio Forecast is 7 to 11 minutes long. You can also listen to a short-term audio horoscope for the coming week!